CTTO: somethinginthethunder
''camilo with a polite s/o''
warnings: none!
-everyone was shocked when the news came that you were dating camilo.
-why? because you, (y/n) (l/n), were probably the most well-mannered person in the entirety of the town. so the idea that you were betrothed to the prankster of the madrigal family was almost comedic.
-the first time you met his family formally as his partner they were taken aback
-your hair was done perfectly and your hands were folded neatly in front of you, your chin up high and a pleasant smile on your face. when pepa answered the door you bowed to her in greeting, called her by her last name, and handed her a small gift as a thank you for her allowing you into her home.
-all without mistake or fail, might i add.
-when she opened the tiny box it contained an assortment of earrings with different weather symbols.
-a rainbow sprouted above her head. "oh these are just beautiful. thank you, (y/n)!" she said fondly, then she'd turn to camilo's room (where he was rushing to get properly dressed) and shout, "milo! are you sure this is your partner?"
-a small smile would appear on your face when you'd hear your dorky boyfriend shout an embarrassed "mamá!!" in response.
-that was basically how the rest of the night went.
-alma was especially impressed. she observed how you would always sit up straight, say please and thank you any time you asked for something, and always thought carefully about what you were about to say.
-and then she'd look over at camilo who accidentally hit his foot on one of the table legs, his instant reaction being to transform into a multitude of people as he'd suddenly shout in pain (please help him).
-everyone was confused as to how the two of you got together, wondering how you never got irritated at camilo for being so improper all the time and how camilo never got annoyed at how pristine you had to be.
-but of course, opposites attract!! <3
-if anything, your differences helped each other.
-you were always the one to remind camilo to take things seriously or how to dress himself for each occasion. if he was ever acting out too much you would be the one to get him to be just a little more calmer in the situation.
-and on the other side, camilo was kind of your breath of fresh air.
-he'd always be there to be goofy around you, always looking at you excitedly once he had successfully pulled off a prank.
-and sometimes he'd convince you to drop your polite persona, basically being the only person able to coax the more carefree side out of you
-kind of like pepa and felix :)
-in general you bring out the best in each other and make each other happy <3
šššššš š. šššššššš
Fantasy7 šššš ššššš šššš ššššš ššš šššš . . . į“¬ įµāæįµĖ¢Ź°įµįµ įµįµįµįµ įµį¶ įµįµŹ³ į¶ įµįµįµŹ³ā±įµįµ Ė¢Ź°įµįµįµĖ¢Ź°ā±į¶ įµįµŹ³ į¶įµįµā±Ė”įµ į“¹įµįµŹ³ā±įµįµĖ” į“µ'įµ Ź²įµĖ¢įµ Ź°įµŹ³įµ įµįµ Ė¢Ź°įµŹ³įµ įµŹø į¶ įµįµįµŹ³ā±įµįµ Ė¢įµįµŹ³ā±įµĖ¢ į¶ Ź³įµįµ įµŹ°įµ ā±āæįµįµŹ³āæįµįµ, įµāæįµ įµį¶ į¶įµįµŹ³Ė¢įµ į“µ'įµ įµā±įµā±āæįµ įµŹ°įµ į¶Ź³įµįµā±įµĖ¢ įµįµ įµŹ°įµ Ź·įµāæįµįµŹ³į¶ įµĖ” Ź·Ź³ā±įµįµŹ³Ė¢ Ź·...