14. the lion and the lamb

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The next day came around, and it was another endless repeating day of May 10th 1994. For Kai, it had been 18 years of this repeating day, whereas Aurora, it had been only 5 months, she'd thought she would've lost it by now, considering what Kai told her the things he did his first week here. Comparing herself to him, she would think she's handling everything pretty well, other than her one moment of weakness where she was completely vulnerable to Kai.

That day was one of the lowest Aurora has been, she never felt depressed or anything, she was a happy kid and even teenager, considering everything she and her friends went through in a short amount of time, she was handling it better than what others would. People around Aurora were constantly getting hurt and dying, yet she found herself okay with it all.

Sure, she mourned and cried, but it didn't effect her like it did others. Like when her Dad died, her and Caroline were devastated, they both cried and hugged each other, but shortly both got over it, since their Dad had left them and tried vampire conversion therapy on Caroline, which probably didn't help their already broken relationship.

Even when Jeremy was killed at the Silas tombstone, Elena turned her humanity off, seeing no other way to handle the pain than to not feel pain at all. She had already lost so many people, her adopted parents, her biological parents, her aunt, the only adult figure in her life, then her brother, it was the final straw in which broke her. So in order to not feel the pain with it anymore, she turned off her humanity so she wouldn't feel anything.

All this death happened around Aurora, and yet she seemed to be okay. She didn't get depressed over it, she didn't get suicidal over it, she just handled it and pretended like it was all normal, when it was far from normal. Nothing in their lives were normal. Vampires, werewolves, witches were a world of a fiction in books Aurora read as a kid or saw in movies. She wouldn't think that the things she thought were purely fiction, were actually very much real and living amongst them.

Maybe that was why she felt so down in the Prison World, after Bonnie and Damon left, her only ticket out of there, disappearing in a white light, her knowing deep down they'll never come back, that the frantic looks on their faces as she tried to escape Kai's grasp as they disappeared into the light, escaping the Prison World, all the feelings she was feeling coming into her all at once.

The thought of never seeing Caroline again, her best friend her entire life, her sister, the person who had been there for her throughout everything, gave her advice when she needed it and was the shoulder to cry on when she was down. Knowing, she'll never see anyone that she cared about again, broke her on the inside. She thought she could handle it, they were working on a way out, but all the negative thoughts clouded her mind.

So, when she came to the decision she'd just end it all, she didn't give it a second thought. In the moment it was either stay there for the rest of her life, living with the pain of never seeing her loved ones again or just end it all and be done with it, it wasn't like anyone would miss her, she was practically dead, her friends in the real world would've understood why she did it.

But, luckily for her, in her most vulnerable position she's ever been, the place where she's felt the most down she has ever felt, the sadness the overtook her body, someone was there to stop her from ending it all, Kai Parker. That night, he talked her out of it, he came into the right moment and somehow knew exactly what to say. He could've been doing it for all the wrong reasons, only keeping her from killing herself since he needed her in the real world, so he could only threaten her life later on once they escaped.

But in the moment, Aurora didn't care, even if he was doing it for all the wrong reasons, she didn't care who he was and what he was capable of, because in that moment he saved her life, he made her realise that ending the pain doesn't really end the pain and only gives it onto someone else, and she couldn't do that, not to her friends, that and the thought of her corpse and Kai scared her.

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