CHAPTER 1: Graduation Time

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Welcome to my first fanfiction! I've been trying to get out of finals to write this, and now that break is here ~ O(≧∇≦o)
My upload schedule, for now, is once per week, every Sun/Mon. 

Seriously, I needed some fluff after the latest chapters - I didn't read them, but I know what happened. 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。
This concept has been going through my mind for a long time now, and I loved all the other Fixed-It stories and just couldn't wait for the next upload, so I decided to write my own.


"YESSSSS!!! I'M FREEEEE!" shouted Daisuke, shedding tears while proudly pumping his fist and diploma in the air. He finally made it – with his sanity intact.

"LET'S BURN THOSE SHITTY PAPERS!!!" Sukuna seemed particularly hyped up as his twin, Yuji, and the rest of the school staff hurried to stop the next inferno as they had just replaced the library.

"YO, SUKUNA! I got some firewood in the form of twenty-foot-tall paper piles!" screamed Daisuke.

"Don't motivate him, Daisuke!" Yuji was hastily climbing the emergency stairs from the second level as Sukuna had completely barricaded the third level and roof entrance.

"HAHAHA, toss it up here!" as Sukuna flickered the lighter above a massive pile of textbooks and papers.

A dramatic moment occurred, where Yuji finally made it to the school's roof and dashed to Sukuna.


"TOO LATE!" and the lighter smashed onto the papers, starting the next world destruction, but by fire.

All the teachers watched with dead eyes as the students cheered on. The principal fainted. 

All was right with the world.

"Congratulations on your graduation, sir."

"Oh, Alfred!" Daisuke, one hand hugging his long-time butler. "Thanks!"

Daisuke stepped inside the car, cheerfully yelling and waving his friends and classmates goodbye. Settling in, he leaned against his seat, stretching out his arms and groaning at the popping and cracking noises. It had been a brutal school year, and the thought of university was a big NO. Instead, he decided to take a gap year to refresh himself and focus on his company, Kambe Industries.

"I'm sure your parents would have been very proud of you, sir."

"Yeah...," replied Daisuke. A wave of despondent washes over him as he reminisces his parents passing, leaving him to head the company at a young age. Now, just thinking of managing the company was giving him a headache.

"Thank god for Chrollo and Muzan for doing all the paperwork for the past week. They should be able to keep it up for another week, right?" smirked Daisuke, eager to actually relax. "Either way, I can run."

A shiver went through two men.

"For some reason, I just got a feeling that our work just lengthened."

"Boss, better not have...."


"Hey, Alfred! Let's stop here; I've been craving for some dessert!" knocking onto the window, where it displayed the curly "Heaven's Ice Cream" text.

Stepping inside, he browsed through the options. "Should I get coffee again? Or should I try today's specialty?" Suddenly, he felt something collide into his back, knocking him over.

"What!?" One hand gripped onto the store's counter as his other hand went to grab the person by the waist, stabilizing them up as well.

"KOKO!" Two people appeared, out of breath, whereas the younger one went to grab Koko out of Daisuke's hold, and the older one started bowing in front of him.

"I'm so sorry; he just got a little too excited. Koko, come and apologize to this gentleman."

She lightly pushed Koko to the front as the other boy continued to hold his hand.

Koko licked his lips before stating: "Sorry, mister."

"Yeah, Koko doesn't use his eyes much."

"HUH?! Who was the one who got lost just now?"

Daisuke lightly chuckled as the two boys suddenly started quarreling while the older girl tried to defuse them.

"No worries, boys. I assume he was rushing over cause he was a fellow ice cream lover?"


"Nah, he just wanted to impress Akane with his navigation."

"INUPI! You got us lost!"

Daisuke sweatdropped. They seem to be very good friends.

Eventually, they introduced themselves before proceeding to order their ice creams, where Daisuke selected the "Marionberry Delight" based on Koko's suggestion that it was "fruity goodness." He swore that he heard Seishu choked out a snort, though. He also watched Koko get a monstrosity amount of ice cream, like the largest cup they had, and then asked to have it drizzled in chocolate syrup.

I feel like I'm getting diabetes already.

When it came time to pay, Daisuke handed his card over to the cashier, sparks firing as Akane smacked his hand away, the other hand reaching for her own card.

Oh, it's on.

The expressionless cashier watched the fairly impressive card battle, although his hand was starting to turn red from the number of times the card was being smacked and switched.

"Seishu! Catch!" as Daisuke had managed to swap his card for Akane's and proceeded to fling it in Seishu's direction. Seishu quickly held up a hand when suddenly the card was caught between Koko's teeth.

A standoff occurred as the two boys stared at each other. Then, Koko smirked, sticking out a bit of his tongue as the card remained in his mouth. Seishu seemed to be stuck processing what had just happened before he swung his arm for the card. Koko dodged.



Akane sighed as she held the ice cream cups while Daisuke leaned across the counter, gasping for breath between his laughs.

"*wheeze* HEUSC..., please...- HaHA! - tell me... *cough* you recorded that...," he whispered.

"I indeed have."


I would love some comments and advice!

And make sure to sleep, eat, and laze.

EDITS: ||||| |||
1/5 Major Edit: Screwed up Japanese and English name format - Will be using the latter format (i.e. Daisuke).

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