CHAPTER 10: Mouthing The Word 'Family'

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"My boss is an idiot."


"A massive idiot, right?"

"HEY! I'm right here, you know; not like I can move anyway."

"Exactly," two voices harmonized, one monotone, the other crooning.

"I'm deducting both your pays."

"Wise words to say to the guy who's been taking care of your sick ass the last couple of days. You know what, I think you need an extra booster shot or a few."



Ok, so Daisuke might have underestimated the consequences of his actions in climbing a mountain of junk that certainly hadn't been disinfected...since who knows when. Disappointedly.

Thus, his weak immune system had decided to be a bitch and welcome the pathogens. Since a blood sacrifice and headache didn't satisfy it enough, he got a cold too! He hoped that Izana wouldn't blame himself as they had to drag him away to prevent spreading the infection. Now that his fever had finally broke, he was eagerly waiting to see his kids.


The door slammed open as several small silhouettes ran in.

"I'm fine, kids, really," Daisuke circled his arms around them as some climbed onto his bed.

"I'm stronger than you think. Don't underestimate me, Izana. It's not your fault." Izana just buried his head into Daisuke's torso, gripping his shirt tightly.

"Awww, while this is sweet, Daisuke, Geordo's been pacing around the waiting room for the last hour now. The carpet's about to burn."

"Why don't you guys go with Claude and help him make dinner for us?"

Everyone hesitantly, a few whining, left except Izana, grip not loosening at all, firmly shaking his head, and Daisuke couldn't find the strength to push him away.

"Daisuke Kambe~ It's so nice to see you doing perfectly well and healthy. I see that all the paperwork has definitely been finished - that when I came back to my office from doing numerous ordeals of international business, I certainly wouldn't be buried by a sea of sharp-ended white devils. Not to mention, I definitely didn't have to spend hours calling people and putting pressure on them to get these forms done on top of all the other non-existent work that you gave me."

Arrows littered Daisuke's form as he staggered over while a short blonde hair with sectioned bangs and blue eyes, wearing a white suit watched with disinterest...and a speck of hidden amusement?


"Geordo, stop killing the patient." A stack of papers smacked the hunched-over male. "We need him to shove all this workload back onto to."

"Alan, don't revive me just to kill me all over again!"

The gray spiky hair male with long bangs parted at the center and sea-green eyes grinned, wearing a sapphire peacoat that matched his diamond-shaped earrings. "Sorry, Boss~"

Izana's eyes widened, catching a glimpse of the fallen papers.

"T-This is-s..." Fingers shook as he flipped through the papers. "W-We're all-l a-...a-adopted n-now?"

"Indeed, you are! Apologies for the late introduction," hand over his chest and slightly bowing, "I'm Geordo Stuart and my twin, Alan Stuart. We work under your father."

"Yup, we had to pull a lot of strings to get it done as quickly as we did. Taiju's and his siblings' had been delayed for weeks due to all the regulations around still having family or distant relatives. We managed to push all of your guys at the same time."

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