CHAPTER 10.5: KISAKI EDITION - Set Ablaze My Obsession

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We will be going with the traditional Japanese style with last names in this chapter since it suits them better.


GUYS! Off-topic, but did you know that Kakucho's name doesn't include 'Hitto'? Apparently, it was a mistake on a fan-translated version of the manga and ended up on the Wiki. MIND BLOWN!!! Anyway, I'm pretty sure that Kakucho is his first name (after a very interesting Discord discussion) and will be keeping 'Hitto' for now. 


"You look like you're plotting something."

Kisaki snapped out of his thoughts, coming into eye contact with his classmate, who was lazily leaning cross-armed against the chair's neck rest.

"What do you mean?" He replied, monotone, eyes refocusing on his worksheets below.

"'How will I get Hina-chan to look at me more?' That's the face you were making," Kambe stated, stroking his invisible beard with a teasing grin appearing.

Kisaki almost flinched, slightly jostling his seat but quickly composed himself – Humans are all measly insects, destined to be crushed and squashed beneath me. Tensely stone-faced, "I have no idea what you're talking about." He carefully glanced around, inspecting the classroom; no one was paying them any attention except for...


An imposing lady stared at both of them before sweetly asking, "Kambe, did you finish your worksheets before starting to chat?"

"Totally. Look, all done." He nonchalantly waved at the scattered sheets, dumped all over his desk.

The teacher hummed, eyeballing one or two of the arrangements in his mishmash of a bird's nest before nodding her head.

"Very well, I will allow it this once."

Flashing a million-dollar smile, "Thank you, Sensei."

Kisaki almost gagged from the amount of charm oozing out from three simple words, shooting down all the sparkles and rainbows with his glare. Suck-up.

As soon as she walked away, Kambe shoved all the papers together, shuffling them in alignment before stuffing them into his backpack.

" shouldn't have been able to finish..." Kisaki scrunched up his eyebrows. The new student, Daisuke Kambe, has been a massive pain in the neck. Ever since he transferred in, it had been a struggle to maintain his number one seat, constantly competing for the highest scores. Kisaki was slightly leading in science and Japanese, while Kambe led in English and, to his biggest frustration, mathematics. But even with his level of intellect and Kisaki's distraction, he barely saw him raise a pencil after the first hour. It should have taken at least another two hours to figure out the rest of the problems.

"What can I say? I'm just a genius." Catching a glimpse of a sheet hazardously peeking out, Kisaki frowned, "Did you randomly guess for the back of each sheet?" because those answers certainly differed from his.

Kambe shrugged, resuming his 'human-watching,' "They never look at the back unless for completion, ya know. Why should I waste my time when they won't waste theirs?"


"I prefer to call it a life hack."

Sparks flashed between them, one gripping a pencil tightly, poker face, while the other's face was resting on a shoulder propped up on his chair's neck rest with the right hand spinning a pen, a smirk dangling.

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