CHAPTER 2: Two Adorable Kids and One Warrior Kid

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Writing the first chapter, right after bombing my CS final, all the way to midnight and editing it like ten times, I realized that writing this is way harder than I thought...(・□・;)

Anyway, I got excited to post the next chapter; welcome the new characters making an appearance!


"Please get off of me."

"Huh, let me think...NOPE."

Daisuke found himself in a predicament. Currently, he had finished his ice cream and was planning on returning to Alfred, but Akane had insisted on getting his contact info to "pay back for the ice cream." When he said no need, Akane had sicced the boys onto him. Now, Seishu was at least just holding onto the sleeve of his jacket, but Koko had completely crawled up to his backside and restricted his legs.

These kids...

"If Akane says you stay, you stay!"

Daisuke struggled for a few seconds, trying not to accidentally elbow too hard all while Akane watched with a grin.

He sweatdropped.

Yup, she's a girl-boss.

"Fine, fine." He relented before handing over his phone.

"Now that wasn't so hard, right?"

"Uh-huh, thanks so much for the human bondage."


He had decided to let Alfred go ahead and was walking around the district. After all, it had been so long since he had just a moment to himself with mother nature.

"Ah, air had never tasted so fresh. The sun shining on me, the sounds of birds chirping and punches, and the smell of sweet, sweet freedom."


Wait, punches?

Daisuke backtracked and was met with the scene: a pretty beefy-looking kid was protectively standing in front of two other kids. All of them had bruises and cuts, although the beefy kid definitely looked the worst.

That's gotta be a black eye. Daisuke cringed.

"DAD, STOP!" the girl shouted as she cried while holding onto the younger boy.

"Now, now, I'm just displaying some nice fatherly love here. How many times have I told you not to leave the house? It's for your own good." As the father resumed his punches.

Deep breath. I am calm; murder is bad. Yes, ... I will just calmly break all his fuckin' bones.


Yuzuha had just wanted to bring her younger brother outside to the playground. She had been begging Taiju for days, and dad shouldn't have been back for another two days. She hugged Hakkai as he had already fainted from the first couple of punches, and Taiju was standing up to be the main punching bag. Everything had gone downhill so fast.

If I was stronger...

"Taiju! Dad! I promise we will never leave again, just leave Taiju alone!!"

She could handle a few more punches, right? Taiju was starting to wobble.

With her dad's attention turned, she braced for impact.

Fuck, we just recovered, and we're already going to reunite with our beds.



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