CHAPTER 3: Y'all Need Therapy

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This is a long chapter; I didn't even get to go into the actual therapy session...

Still very hyped up to write this fanfiction, so an extra chapter!

Anyway, Disney's new movie Encanto has some pretty badass songs. I have been listening to "Surface Pressure" and "We Don't Talk About Burno" for hours now. Now, to actually watch the movie...


Hakkai looked at his new living place with wonder. It looked like a standard-style Japanese house, newly stained with white walls interlaced with a wood-style design. The yard surrounding it was neatly trimmed and looked like it just got freshly watered.

"I'm glad that the house reconstruction was all finished just a few days ago," Daisuke remarked as he looked at the house with fond eyes. The house sat next to two other houses on this branch of the neighborhood, and their backyards intertwined with a forest. He grew up in this house but later moved inside the company since he was needed there 24/7, and over time the house deteriorated. Not to mention, he had wanted to incorporate the house with HEUSC, and that took forever due to the meticulous designing and wiring.

"Let's go in!" Alfred had already gotten the house mostly ready, and they just needed to finish carrying the kids' possessions in.

"Welcome home, Daisuke, Taiju, Yuzuha, and Hakkai," announced HEUSC.

"Whoa...," the siblings whispered.

"Yeah, that's the AI I installed in this house. Don't worry; she won't bite."

"Funny as ever, master," droned HEUSC, dripping with sarcasm.

"I don't remember programming you to be this snarky..." Daisuke frowned at the nearest camera.

"Sir, please do direct the kids to their rooms before you start arguing with HEUSC." Alfred, an elderly man with gray hair and mustache, appeared with another man wearing glasses and short black hair with bangs surrounding his face. Both of them were dressed in dark suits and wearing white gloves.

"Got it. Oh, and kids, this is my family's butler, Alfred, and his son, Claude. Alfred raised both Claude and I, so you could say he's the real master of the household here."

"Yup, he is! If I don't do something exactly to his standards, I have to listen to his lecture for hours while sitting seiza-style!" Claude fake-teared while rubbing his legs, mourning the nerve cells there.

"Nonsense. Now, do we have our new family members here?" The three siblings flinched at Alfred's examination before he gave a warm smile.

"Welcome to the family."


Daisuke noted that although all the siblings seemed to be healing nicely and enjoying their new environment, they still hesitated on their every action as if waiting to be jumped on if they made too much noise or the wrong move.

Now, what to do?

Eventually, he didn't have to do anything as the bubbling tension soon exploded.


Daisuke immediately dropped his paperwork and dashed out of his office. Alfred never really yelled unless there was an emergency. He headed out to the yard, where he met up with Alfred glancing upward.

Dangling on a rope made from tied-up blankets, Taiju was currently swaying about twenty feet above the ground.

"WHA-FUCK!!!" Alfred tsked at his language, but it really wasn't the time. His heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest, and his eyes remained zoomed in on Taiju while his limbs urgently trembled as he tried to place himself beneath the boy. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Claude appearing with the other Shiba siblings - waken up by the noise - inside Taiju's room and rushing to the opened window.

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