CHAPTER 11: A Kingdom Worth Fighting For

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I'm back, everyone! Enjoyed my break - sorta, I missed all you guys! Anyway, I heard the newest chapters (CH 241) are real tear-drippers, so here's your dose of fluff. 


Daisuke has been bringing his new additions to Hatori's therapy session, hoping that he could handle the issues that scrimmaged in their minds.


"Nope. Patient confidentiality, Boss."

"I sign your paychecks."

"I know. I sign your medical forms."


A stare-down occurred.

"*huff* Fineeeee... Just give me anything, how it's been going, anything I should worry about."

"Hmmmm, well, I can say that I am surprised that you were able to even slip into their hearts. Their hearts are almost completely welded shut." He scrunched his eyebrows before sighing and turning, "I guess you were able to infect them anyway, with your Daisuke bleeding heart and all."

"That gave me no information at all. In fact, you just used it to insult me again."

Hatori waved as he walked away. Daisuke huffed but conceded and proceeded to exit.

"Oh, and prepare for a hard talk sometime later."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

But Hatori had already left.



Sometime later meant after dinner, while Daisuke was once again dealing with his greatest rival: paperwork.

It just never fucking ends.

A knock.

"Oh, come in!"

A distraction!

Izana stepped in, fingers interlocked and twiddling around, before seemingly coming to a resolve, and walked over to the front of the office table.

"Are you busy?"

"Nah, not really. Just been trying to finish some of these before Geordo reprimands me again. Anything you wanted to discuss?"

Daisuke went to pour out two cups of fresh jasmine tea, waving Izana over to sit on one of the paralleled black leather upholstered sofas, separated by a Macassar ebony coffee table.

A few seconds of silence as Izana's face scrunched up, seeming to struggle with the words or pondering if he even should continue with the discussion.

"...Today, Hatori-san talked with me about 'kings' ... and he told me that your nickname is 'Emperor' so I...." he finally blurted out.

Never mind, paperwork sounds a lot easier.

Hatori, what is with this level of difficulty? Hard? More like "FUCKIN' RED ALERT: BOSS LEVEL." Fuck that cold-hearted bastard. That was no warning at all!

Silently exhaling, "Well, that is my nickname, which really is just another word for king. Although how I got it differs from you. I never intended to start nor rule a kingdom. Rather, I was forced into it after my parents passed away - Alfred had been hospitalized, and Claude was sent to live with his grandparents - while I here was being ushered into the seat of CEO. For everyone else, I was easy prey; they either wanted what I had, or they wanted to use me. I couldn't trust anyone and couldn't rely on anyone. If I gave an inch, they took a mile. So, I closed off my heart, and in that way, I was similar to you. Looking over a kingdom, with only myself in the castle... Take my word for it; it sucked."

Mhmmmm. The delicate floral warmth seeped into his nerves.

"One day, when I had managed to escape and was just strolling around the streets, I somehow managed to piss off a pink-haired rascal. We exchanged a bunch of insults before his twin brother suddenly dragged me...and then I found myself eating meatballs with the twins and their grandfather. I thought it was such a weird experience, a rich brat like me suddenly in a room that was smaller than my bathroom, eating a basic meal, and yet... it was the best meal I had had in years. I asked why they spontaneously invited a complete stranger in, and the younger twin just joyously laughed, saying I looked sad and lonely, and he couldn't allow that, especially with meatballs to spare. The other two just gruffed, with the older twin mocking me for looking like a pathetic puppy who lost its owner or something. They opened the gates to my kingdom - that there was a bigger view outside. I saw a whole other kingdom than the one that I have been constructing, where it didn't have any sky-high pillar walls but flower paths. I wanted to create a kingdom like that too.

Anyway, that's enough about me; this is about you.

Now, Izana, what do you think makes up a king?"


"There's a lot, right? Many things go into being a king. Requirements, you could say. All sorts of people will tell you it's your knowledge or cunningness, resilience perhaps? Maybe a clear vision or a set goal. Being a giver or a strict yet kind nature. Lots of people will say it's your heart. .... Well, the list goes on and on, and there's really no definite list at all..."

Izana suddenly found himself at the opposite end of an appendage, Daisuke grinning and standing up before it moved to point over Daisuke's shoulder.

"I say it's the people who have your back, and you have theirs. When you're down in the dumps, they give you hugs and a shoulder to lean and cry on. When you're cornered, they will bust through the walls and beat down your opponents before teasing you for being dumb or distracted enough to get caught. When your heart falters, they bandage it and fill it with love for you. When you're lost, they drag you back onto the correct path or help shovel one of your own. What's more, when you're happy, they celebrate and cheer like it's the best day on Earth. Only then will you feel like you created a kingdom worth fighting for. That is overcoming your greatest adversity."

Golden eyes focusing on orchid eyes.

"You see, I say your current plan has one critical flaw: that you're letting your adversity win. After all, if you hit rock bottom, the only way is to go up, not staying down there forever, making the hole bigger."

Izana was silent, the cup of tea warming his hands.

"...Was I too selfish in wanting to protect myself from the pain? That I chained Kakucho and the others? To be my servants?" A resonate whisper ricocheted through the room.

"Well, for the first part, I wouldn't really say that. Actually, be greedier, Izana."


"For example, I'm a pretty selfish king, so I want to protect my family, my friends, and my city. So, I don't think you were too selfish at all, be a little more, Izana!

After all, a king dines with other kings; I believe that everyone is a king in their own sort of way, depending on how you look at it. Their traits, talents, hard work...Well, there really aren't any slaves or servants except to yourself."

A kingdom...where I could be me. That I protect and protects me, including," Izana glanced at Daisuke, who had resumed savoring his tea, their smiles.

"Anyway, if we are really going on about the king analogy, I would say that Kakucho isn't really your servant at all; more like your faithful queen, wouldn't you say?"

"M-My Q-Q-Queen!?!"

Daisuke amusingly watched as Izana jumped to confute the statement as rosy, red flushed his skin. His hands wavering all around.

Now, if only Kakucho would start to think for himself, too. Not as a servant, but someone who can stand beside Izana. Nobody needs a yes-man.


Man, lately I've been feeling both productive and so unproductive. When that happens, I need to treat myself - to remotivate myself, of course! Oh, and Costco's been selling taiyaki, dorayaki...when are they going to sell takoyaki??? I want some of that good stuff, although I would love to have the authentic version :D.

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