CHAPTER 9: Blood Does Not Determine Family

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I have been doing a lot of edits on the previous chapters, not much on the content but on grammar and adding more details. It's still really fun writing this, although school has started for me. I am really enjoying my schedule this quarter - I finally got my dream course load! Anyway, this is one of my favorite chapters, so happy reading!

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"Daisuke, Muzan mentioned that he has urgent news to deliver to you."

"Another lab explosion? I swear... Let him in HEUSC."

"Boss! There was a prefecture decision to convert the institution into an infant orphanage in a few weeks."

"Huh? Then where would the current, older kids go?"

A pause.

"You're not going to like it, boss. The kids will be moved to Juvenile Detention."

No reaction, no shouts, only an impassive face.

Uh, oh, Muzan thought.


"Currently initiating and processing request for 'Plan: Nine Circles Of Hell.'"



Conservative fools. Greedy fools. Arrogant fools. Just plain old fools. Murdering everyone at the top would be easy, but they would just get replaced with more trash. Those that never stepped down from their high seat could never understand the suffering of those at the bottom.

Like these kids.

My kids.

Daring to send them to live with criminals? There was no way that environment would help the kids at all. It would only chain them down, not even allowing them to free a hand and beg for help. It was a literal, "This is your future, fuck you," statement.

Daisuke had noticed the darkness that lingered in each of the boys; they had been betrayed, beaten, and cheated out of a childhood. Toeing that cliff, juvenile would only crush the entire ridge, hurling them into the darkness. After all, if the world is cruel to them, they will just be cruel back. Daisuke yearned to show them that there was kindness and joy in the world, that they had and deserved the chance to be happy and safe.

Especially Izana, he's the closest to falling completely.

He recognized that Izana was...slightly unstable.

Probably due to having a family and still being an outsider. It was cruel to exist and yet not exist; the worst kind of torture in being one step away from everything you desired, but once you take that step, the gap grows and grows until it's heavens wide, tumbling you down, face first.

He sped through his work for the day in a frenzy, to the delight of Muzan, before running outside.

I hope they're alright...


He opened door after door; no one was to be found. He had questioned the new director, who had replied that she last saw them finishing up their meals before departing for free time. But so far, he had searched the entire building and most of the outside now, and still not a single one.

Last place is...


They seriously made me run up this accursed hill in a suit!

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