CHAPTER 4: Good Luck Therapists

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHIFUYU!!! A bonus chapter for you! I was trying to check if the ages and years all lined up - I had to do some serious calculations, guys - before I saw that his birthday was coming up.


"His face looks pretty punchable, you know?"

"Please refrain, Taiju; he's not trying to antagonize you."

Going back a few hours, Daisuke had brought the Shiba siblings to their first therapy session. As they were signing in, Daisuke tried to reassure them:

"Hatori Sohma might seem cold and intimating, but he is really gentle and kind, and he loves kids. His wife, Kana Sohma, is super energetic and cheerful and is currently training to be a doctor as well. Once, when Hatori took Kana to the aquarium and saw that she loved the sea horses, he spent days trying to buy two of them. Called me for days on updates when he begged for my help. When he got them, he was so excited that he forgot the part that he needs an aquarium too."


It was hilarious seeing a full-grown man question his wife, "How much salt in saltwater? Like I can barely taste the salt or like Kana's egg soup amount of salt? Wait, is it regular salt? Pink sal- STOP LAUGHING GUYS! HELP ME!!!"

"HOLDUP, what did you say about my egg soup?!?"

"HAH, Hatori, your shitty ass is dead!!! WAHAHAHA!!!"


"Please stop bringing that up every time you introduce me to someone new." Hatori appeared with straight black hair that reached down to his nape. The bands on the left side of his face partly covered his eye. He was also in his usual professional clothing, brown trousers complementing a black coat and vest with a white dress shirt inside, a blue tie finished off his outfit. Kana was standing next to him with light brown bobbed hairstyle, wearing a dark magenta dress suit, and was utterly failing to muffle her giggles.


Hatori fisted his hand and noogied Daisuke's head - hard.

"Ack! Stop! You're messing up my beautiful hair!"

Hatori just noogied harder, making sure to use the sharp ends of his knuckles.

Kana, on the other hand, had already started introducing herself to the kids, already too used to these two's antics.


They had put the three kids together (dragging them apart would have needed a crowbar at least) with Daisuke for now and were just going over light topics.

For example:

"How are you feeling right now?"

"Like I want to punch you right now?"

"I'm hardcore, made of steel, and haven't felt an emotion since birth."

"I want one of those lollipops in your coat."

Daisuke held in a sigh.

This is going to go great.


Overall, therapy went well, and no one got punched. After the initial remarks of the siblings, they eventually saw that Hatori and Kana were both warm-hearted and genuinely wanted to help. The therapists had remained calm, asking questions and laughing at some of their sarcasm, and switching topics if the kids looked uncomfortable.

Now, they had just finished going to Maji's Burger, where he saw Taiju shove down ten double stacked burgers, fries and all. At least Yuzuha and Hakkai had normal appetites.

Maybe it's all the muscles. Daisuke thought as he sipped his extra-large vanilla milkshake. Hey! He deserved this! Too bad there's no coffee milkshake yet. Gotta do something about that. He mourned his legs as he definitely was getting lectured by Alfred afterward.

Either way, he was happy that all the siblings were eating well and seemed relaxed after the therapy session. They seemed okay with making this a regular event too.


Daisuke snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the kitty that Yuzuha was pointing to. A classic cliché: cat stuck in a tree.

The real issue here was that Taiju looked like he was weighing if he could knock down the tree; Hakkai was already trying to climb the tree while Yuzuha was calling for the kitty to come down.

"Hakkai, stand by Taiju." Daisuke walked a few steps back before breaking into a sprint, leaping onto the tree's trunk and running along it before landing on the branch where the kitty was stuck on. Stretching one arm towards the small, black bundle, he hoped that the kitty would get the message. The kitty sniffed his hand before climbing onto his arm. Daisuke left out a breath of relief; he did not want to drag a ferocious cat down. Swinging from the branch and jumping down, the kids surrounded to see the ball of fluff.

"Awwwww, it's so small. Oooo~ It has a white wiggly line down its stomach."

"Like a noodle!"

"Hey, do you think we can-"

"No," Daisuke immediately replied; he winced at their faces. "Right now, we don't have the supplies nor knowledge in taking care of one. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the cat gets lost right away in the house."

He could see them processing that information.

"Yeah, the house is stupidly large inside," Hakkai mentioned, the number one in getting lost so far.

"But what do we do with kitty then?"

"Let's head to the animal shelter." Daisuke hoped that it wasn't too far as HEUSC gave him the directions.


After tucking all the kids in, Daisuke flopped onto his bed.

Wahhhhh, I'm so tired. I feel like such a dad.

He already can hear his friends' stupid replies and giggles in agreeing with his statement.

Oh, Akane texted me to visit the café she's working at tomorrow. Kids really shouldn't have this amount of dedication to repay back others...

He replied back to the message, confirming the meet-up before instantly falling asleep.


Greenish-blue eyes looked at the cage where a black kitty was currently pawing through the bars like he was trying to touch the human on the other side.

"Mom! I want this one! I'm going to name him Peke J!"


While walking to my university, I kept thinking up new ideas for this fanfiction. Too bad the writing part is hard, but it really fires me up to keep this fanfiction going!

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