Chapter 12: Walk Besides Instead of Behind

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"Be emotionally attached to the characters, not the plot. I have to make that comedy or I'll cry."

"I'm not amgy anymore, just disappointed."

Sooo, Chapter 243 spoilers... anybody else wanting to scream and cry?

[Image Above: Colored by Mika-chan (@mistymiks) on Twitter]


"Be someone who can walk besides him...instead of behind him." Kakucho felt these words bounding around his head, smacking around his skull.


"I remember mentioning a while ago that your loyalty was admirable, and I'm not refuting that. Izana is really lucky to have someone like you. But I'm worried that you're letting your loyalty shackle you down, akin to a slave."

He was about to protest, but Daisuke held up a hand.

"Let me finish. You might say that you're a servant and not a slave, but one who cannot freely make his own choices, speak his thoughts freely, or show his emotions freely, well... is not really a person anymore. I understand that you feel great debt and thankfulness to Izana - for giving you a new purpose and feel like your life is in his hands. But remember that in the end, your life can only be lived by you. In addition, handing your 'life' to another places a heavy burden on them; instead, why don't you two strive to connect your hearts together so that you can help hold each other's? You certainly have the first part done in setting a dream for a kingdom. Now, think about what do you want your kingdom to look like? It's as much as yours as Izana's and the rest, Kakucho. Share ideas, argue on design, and remember your goal. Why are you building this kingdom, what do you hope to achieve?

As a friend and brother, stay true to yourself – don't say 'yes' when you are saying 'no' here," Daisuke poked at his chest.

"If he drowns, will you watch or worse, drown with him? No, you pull him back up. And he will do the same for you. We all will. That is being equals, what we humans should be. After all, in the end, whether king or servants, we're all human. You're the king of your own life."

The hand moved to ruffle his hair as Daisuke cheerfully grinned at him.

"Decisions are hard and scary, and painful, Kakucho. But we have your back, so keep walking forward. Keep your head held high, kid. Anyway, consider the questions I asked; your dreams and aspirations, how do they connect you to Izana, and what do you truly want Kakucho? I suggest that once you make up your mind, you should talk it out with each other."


Izana, instead of helping you, did I only make your back lonelier?


While back in his office, Daisuke's head was smooshed against the cool wood surface, his hands tousling his hair.

Hatori! It wasn't even one talk; I talked to all of them! One after the other! I barely had any time to recover!


Well, at least I certainly know how they are all doing now and what they were talking about with Hatori. Glad that therapy seems to be helping.


"Geordo Incoming."

Uh Oh.

"Boss, you know I need those documents by midnight, right?"

Fuck you again, Hatori.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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