CHAPTER 5: Gucci High Heels

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Yesterday it was sunny, and today I woke up to snow...(-_-)ゞ゛

I'm trying to keep Seishu and Koko in character, but it's pretty hard. I went online to see some of their texts, and since they aren't really main characters, all I got was depression from their misunderstandings and Akane-attached guilt.

NO, I REFUSE, MUST PROTECT THEM. Wakui, they're just kids!!!!


Strutting in 3.8'' white leather Gucci high heel sandals with a horsebit hoop design in shining gold, Daisuke struck a pose while internally screaming: How did this happen?!?

He had just finished arranging preparations for the Shiba's private tutors as he had planned to enroll them into the nearest elementary and middle school, respectively. As he had learned from Yuzuha: "Taiju always skipped school and Hakkai just flipped an eraser to do the multiple-choice exams. I attended, but sometimes I was just stuck in bed." The last part had hidden connotations that made Daisuke wish he had crushed a few more bones in the so-called parental figure. But returning to the topic of tutors, before summer break is over, he needed to get the kids all caught up.

Luckily, his old classmate, Nagisa Shiota, had instantly agreed, stating that it would help him gain experience and pay for his teaching degree. He had also suggested Karma Akabane, which Daisuke initially refused.

"I know Karma is smart and all, but Nagisa, he's sadistic! Remember when he shoved wasabi up that guy's nose?!? I don't want him to corrupt my kids!"

"The thing is that I'm good at English and Japanese Daisuke, but if we're talking about science and math, errrr- Karma's the guy."

Eventually, Daisuke relented after acknowledging this logic but also cause Karma somehow found out about this discussion and refused to stop calling him, even threatening to come over.

"Ooo~ Daisuke~ Look, who's booking a ticket~ And it's even in the next hour!"

However, Daisuke made sure to extract an oath from Karma that he would be on his best behavior if he didn't want to risk Daisuke shutting down his favorite "Simmered au lait series" milk beverages. He also made Nagisa promise that he would keep Karma in check.


Daisuke walked into "Café Solstice," glancing around for Akane. He had left the kids with Nagisa and Karma, whom the siblings have warmed up really quickly to. I don't know whether to be happy or slightly concerned about that.

"Daisuke! Over here!" He saw Akane over the counter, grinning vibrantly and waving enthusiastically.

"Order anything! It's on me!"

"You know, it's still very awkward for me to have a junior buy me a drink."

"Too bad, too sad!"

"...You're brutal. What did I do to you that you must ruin my reputation?" Daisuke fake mourned, surrendering as he glanced over the menu. "Think I will take the Coffee Frappuccino."

"Coming right up! Although...," she scrutinized him as she grabbed a cup, "you don't look like the type to usually get something so sweet."

"Eh, you're already getting the barista senses? Then tell me what you think I would usually get?" Daisuke teased as he leaned over the waiting counter.

"Hmmmmm, black coffee with one cream and two sugars?"

Daisuke lost his balance for a moment, jaw dropped. "H-How?"

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