CHAPTER 7: A Neighborhood's Welcoming

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"Muzan, clear my lunch breaks from now on."

"Very well. I will leave it to you to explain to your chief operations officers, Geordo and Alan, why when they come back."

"Yes, yes, ...leaving me the explanation...," Daisuke muttered under his breath.

I will be back.

Daisuke's thoughts were interrupted when HEUSC chimed in:

"Daisuke, you have received a message from Alfred: 'Sir, please remember that we are invited to our neighbor's welcoming celebration today at 4 p.m. at XXX-XXXX, the Sano Dojo. Hakkai and I will be unable to attend as we had scheduled an additional health check-up for his lip scar. Please remember to bring the raspberry scones and red bean dorayakis hidden behind the yogurt containers."

During their last check-up, Hatori, who also served as the Daisuke family's personal doctor, had examined the Shiba siblings. Everything seemed fairly normal except that Hakkai's lip scar that he obtained from his 'father' had healed improperly, so they had scheduled a follow-up appointment. It didn't seem to be a complicated surgery, but Hakkai, to his utter dismay, would be restricted to soft food for the next two weeks.

I should take him to meet the boys at the orphanage to make it up.


"Welcome, welcome! It's so nice to see you guys again!" Shinichiro greeted them inside.

"Pffft, Wa-hah-hah!!! Y-y-you l-look so n-normal now! Where's the i-infamous, notorious, ugly pompadour leader? Ahuhhhhu, my s-sides hurt-t!!!" Claude burst into tears.

"Never mind; leave, trespassers."

"To be fair, it really didn't suit you," Daisuke added with scorn.

"Shut up! You are two years younger than me! Your memory is probably shit!"


"Sorry, Gramps! W-W-Wait! D-Don't-" Shinichiro slammed into the wall, recoiling from his grandfather's tornado kick.

His grandfather coughed into his hand before turning to Daisuke and his company, "Excuse my miserable grandson. Are these your kids, Daisuke?"

"That was a sick move, old man!"

"Mm-hmm!" Yuzuha nodded.

"Taiju, be polite. Yes, yes, they are Sano-san."

The Sano head chuckled, ruffling both kids' heads.

"My other grandchild, Mikey, and disciple, Keisuke Baji, can explain the move. They're in the backyard, and we'll join you shortly. My granddaughter, Emma, is currently helping Keisuke's mom with the food," as he pointed to the back door. Taiju and Yuzuha quickly scampered down the hallway.

"It's been several years, hasn't it? It's good to see you are all doing well. It seems that Alfred couldn't make it?"

"It's very nice to see you still so energetic and healthy," Daisuke replied, bowing. "Alfred has gone with another one of my sons, Hakkai, to a prior appointment. He likes to forward his best regards and hopes you come over soon for a chat."

"Yeah, it's great to see you're still a force to be reckoned with. Or Shinichiro has only gotten weaker."

"Oh, for FUCK's sake." Classic double middle fingers were thrown.

"Love ya too, Shinichiro."


As Daisuke finally pulled Shinichiro from the cracks of the wall, a sharp high-pierced scream echoed through the hallway.

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