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Silence... accompanied by the occasional sound of rustling paper.

"*smack* Uwaaaa! I tell you! My new year wish is not to do any paperwork. Ever."



"My new year wish is for you to stop complaining and finish already."

"Mine's to go home already. Hurry up, boss."

Chrollo, Muzan, Geordo, Alan; why must you all gang up on me like this?

Chrollo sighed, "Speaking of wishes, I could really use a competent assistant."

"Huh? What happened to your last one? I thought you got a new one just a week ago."


The four other guys looked at each other before Daisuke leaned over to Muzan, whispering loudly, "What happened?"

"She left crying after Chrollo chewed her to shreds, something about incorrect calculations and shitty handwriting...I recall him shouting something like, 'I have never seen nor heard someone do and say so many wrong things! One after the other!! Consecutively!!! In a row!!!!'" Muzan mimicked Chrollo's deep voice and simmering-monotone expression.

Ah...Brutal as always, Chrollo.

"You could have just asked me guys," Chrollo huffed, "But seriously, did she even attend school? How can you mess up additions?"

...Not everybody is a human calculator like you, ranked one in math globally, Chrollo. Your additions are more like speed addition with a hundred variables.

"Oh, Muzan, didn't you say you had something you wanted to give me?"


"You outdid yourself again, Muzan."

Daisuke gushed at the various designs on yukatas, several smaller-sized ones packed into boxes. He pulled his own out, an ivory white lined with streaks of gold, and twin silver dragons adorned the back. The fabric stroked his skin, radiating an unbelievably shimmer and softness. Airy and light on the body, yet it seemed to trap the escaping body heat.

"Of course, I did. The Hamadas' had outdone themselves in improving the spider silk prototypes. As soon as I touched it, I just knew I had to use it" as Muzan re-boxed the yukata. "Send me pictures."

"Of course."


"...Daisuke, I can't figure how to put it on."

"Here, let me help you, Mucho."

Daisuke kneeled and helped fold the left over the right side and wrapped the obi before tying it into a bow.

"There, now, don't you look handsome?"

Mucho glanced away, face still in a bored expression, but his ears reddened.

Absolutely adorable.

"Is everybody ready?"

"Yes, sir. They are currently at the front door; you two are the last ones."

"Then, let's go, Mucho, Alfred."


Bow. Toss in the coin. Ring the bell thrice. Bow twice. Clap twice. Pray. Bow once more.

The chill swirled through, accompanying the wind, tugging with the tree leaves, and urging the fallen snow into another dance. The overhanding maple-stained wood spoke of time and resilience. Puffs of white rose as he savored the tranquility and the taste of tradition.

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