Iona, the twin world of Eos. Torn asunder by a cataclysmic event, only two survived. King Fellux Naxan Valtreus and his daughter, Makina Hexxus Valtreus, fled to Eos and found sanctuary. As the last survivors who carry the blood of the mighty dragon...
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Noctis had wandered ahead of the others without realizing it. He was the first to arrive at the barn-like structure that appeared to have been abandoned years ago. It looked like it would collapse even with the gentlest of breezes.
Wandering inside, the prince looked around for Dave. He didn't know what the guy looked like, but that didn't stop him from looking. His eyes scanned the inside of the barn for anyone. The only thing he could find was a letter laying on a cart alongside an envelope. "What's this?" He leans closer and reads what's on the piece of paper.
Mutant Dualhorn Sighting Codename: Bloodhorn Characteristics: Red tusks, extremely violent Outstanding bounty on sabertusks in the area
"Noct!" Ignis shouted.
Hearing his name, the prince turns around to see sabertusks running into the barn, one of which is heading for him. As it leaped into the air to tackle him to the ground, he felt a strange change in the air around him.
In the blink of an eye, Makina appeared in front of him and impaled the monster using her sword. Her swiftness and precision killed the sabertusk with a single blow. She yanked her blade out of its body and lowered it with a sigh. The bodies of the other sabertusks were also lifeless due to her killing them herself.
Noctis was surprised at her sudden appearance. He figured the disturbance he felt earlier was her freezing time. What caught his attention more was her sword. He saw her use it to slay the manananggal and reapertails, but now he got a closer look at it. Never had he seen it before. "When did you get the sword?"
Makina turned around to face him. Her slit eyes that radiated brilliantly stared into his azure ones. "My dad gave it to me before I left a couple of months ago. It was my mother's sword. She called it "Rift Cutter." It's helped me gain full control of rifts." She shook her head and realized what she was going to do before he questioned her. She frowned and tapped her finger against his chest. "As much as I would love to talk about my mother's blade, you need to learn a lesson or two in not running ahead."
"Hey!" Prompto shouted as he, Gladiolus, and Ignis entered the barn. The blonde glanced between the two royals, eyes brimming with worry. "Are you guys okay?"
"Once again, Her Highness has stolen the spotlight," Gladiolus stated.
Makina heard a cry in the distance and eyed the entrance of the barn. She readied her sword. "We're not in the clear yet. More are coming."
Another pack of sabertusks stormed into the barn. The five leaped into battle and slew every last monster. They cleared the barn within minutes. Now all was quiet. They walk out of the deteriorating barn and Gladiolus notices another weathered structure nearby. "Hey, what about that shack over there?"
"You mean the one surrounded by sabertusks?" Makina pointed out.
"That's the one," the shield replied. "Why else would they be surrounding that shed unless there's prey inside?"