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Makina pulled out her phone and tried to contact the boys, but the call kept dropping

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Makina pulled out her phone and tried to contact the boys, but the call kept dropping. The signal was weak and she couldn't keep it long enough to make a proper call. She put her phone away with a groan. She debated on whether to travel through a rift, but she knew the boys wouldn't be at the waterfall any longer. Walking would be her only way of regrouping with them.

The princess found the road and started to follow it. She pulled out her phone every now and then to check the signal, but it still was weak. She kept wandering down the road until she heard the hum of an engine. Her hope spiked for a second before it extinguished when she realized it wasn't a car engine. Instead, it was the engine of an imperial dropship.

Looking up, she saw the airship above. What she noticed was its altitude was decreasing. She rolled her eyes in annoyance once knowing they had spotted her. "Damn imperials..." She put her phone away and called upon the artifact. "Ionus Sphere: Sixth Configuration." Rift Cutter appeared in her palm and morphed into a bow. A single arrow manifested from thin air and she aimed the sharp tip at the vessel.

Before the imperial dropship could open the hatch and release a horde of MTs, Makina fired the arrow. It soared through the air and pierced the hull of the ship near the engine. There was a minor explosion that caused the airship to lurch, but it wasn't enough to destroy it.

MTs poured from the hatch of the imperial dropship. Makina clicked her tongue in annoyance and changes the configuration of the Ionus Sphere. The bow morphed back into Rift Cutter. Wielding her sword, she created a small rift and leaped through the fissure. She landed in the middle of the pack of MTs and harnessed Aos' power. Infusing the blade with the power of air, she swung with all her might in a circular motion. Two arched blades fabricated from the wind sliced the machines in half. Her glowing, slit eyes narrowed as they focused on the retreating airship. She wouldn't let it get away.

Focusing her energy into Rift Cutter, Makina swung her blade and created a much larger wind blade. It sliced through the airship and caused an immense explosion. Pieces of the airship rained down not too far from the main road. She was just happy the pieces didn't obscure the road. She lowered Rift Cutter with an exhausted sigh. Combining the power she used in the grotto and now harnessing Aos' power, she was drained of energy.


Hearing the voice of Prompto, Makina turned around. Her slit eyes focused on the boys. "When did you guys get here?" She dispelled her blade and her eyes returned to normal.

"The same time that imperial dropship arrived," Gladiolus answered. "We were gonna help, but you dealt with them pretty quickly before we could even lift a finger."

"I was just testing out a few new tricks, that's all."

"The serpent from earlier..." Ignis started. "Is it perhaps the source of these so-called "new tricks"?"

"Indeed they are." Makina placed a hand on her hip. "The serpent from earlier was Aos, the Disciple of Air. I first spotted him when we were heading to Lestallum. I did not expect him to approach me willingly. My father did mention how the disciples could be stubborn, but Aos clearly wanted to return to the Ionus Sphere. You won't hear me complaining, though."

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