☾• XXVI •☽

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Noctis came to a stop when the heat started to get to him

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Noctis came to a stop when the heat started to get to him. He tugged at the collar of his shirt with an uncomfortable groan. "The hell's with the heat?"

"As we climb so does the temperature," Ignis commented. He too was sweating and desperate for a powerful breeze to cool him down.

Prompto's tired and flushed expression was directed towards the princess. "Didn't you say this was a volcano?"

Makina nodded. "Yes. It's the reason why Fel is here in the first place. The temperature is ideal for her to heal and regain her strength."

The blonde fanned himself with a concerned look. "You wouldn't happen to know the chances of it erupting while we're here, would you?" He panted.

"Sorry, Prom, I don't. Especially since Fel is here. She may or may not cause an eruption depending on her mood. Let's just hope she isn't too ill-mannered to trigger the volcano."

He swallowed nervously.

Gladiolus smacked him on the back. "Bright side-you won't suffer long if it does."

The snowy-haired girl intervened. "Hey, even if this volcano does erupt, I promise you I'll get us all to safety. It's as easy as opening a rift to Lestallum or even Wiz's."

Prompto sighed in relief. "Okay, I totally feel better. Thanks, Makina."

"Happy to help."

On the current path they were taking, the royal retinue came across a herd of spiracorns. With no issues at all, they killed the creatures that blocked their way and came to another fork in the path.

"We've two paths before us," Ignis informed the others.

"Noct, do us all a solid and choose the one that's not a dead-end," Prompto said. "Or better yet, maybe we should leave Makina in charge of choosing. She seems to have better luck than you."

"Fine," Noctis grumbled. He stepped back and allowed the princess to take the lead. "Guess Her Majesty will take it from here."

"How kind of you," she blandly replied, walking past him. She gazed at the paths that were presented before them. In the midst of deciding, another roar redirected her attention. It came from nearby. Her head darted to the right path that was covered in molten lava. Without warning, she took off.

"H-Hey!" Noctis shouted. "Dammit...!" He quickly chases after her with Ignis, Prompto, and Gladiolus on his heels.

The marksman started to pant uncontrollably as they ran up the path after the princess. "How is she...running in heels...up this slope?!"

"Pretty impressive considering she slipped earlier," Gladiolus said.

"Let's make haste through the hot spots," Ignis stated. "We must ensure Makina does not venture too far."

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