Chapter 6

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The beast stomped up the stairs when he encountered his servant Hunk on the floor. "A master, might I recommend, that since the boy will be staying with us for some time, you offer him a room." The beast huffed blowing out the flames of the candlestick. "Well, I guess, then again, maybe not." He said. The beast continued walking fully prepared to look the cell, but then he saw the boy, Lance, crying. "You couldn't even let me give him a hug good bye." He said. The beast rubbed his neck in shame.

"I'll be showing you to your room now." Lance sat there confused. "But, I thought that," Lance was interrupted. "Would you rather stay in the tower?" The monster asked him. "No." He responded. "Then follow me." Which he did. The monster was holding a candlestick, which unbeknownst to Lance was feeding the beast advice. Lance was crying silent tears.

"I hope you like it here." The beast said to the boy. Hunk gestured for him to say more. "The castle is your home now, so you may go anywhere you chose. But stay out of the West Wing." He said. "What is in the West Wing?" Lance asked curious as to why it was forbidden. "It doesn't matter, because I said not to go there." Keith said his anger rising. Lance realized that it might not be wise to ask questions.

They arrived at a room and the beast opened the door. "Invite him to dinner." Hunk whispered to his master. "You will join me for dinner. That's not a request." He said and slammed the door. This sent Lance into another fit of tears as he flopped onto the bed. Hunk slammed one of his 'hands' in his face at the idiotic action of his master. "You'll never break the curse by doing quiznak like that." Hunk thought. 

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