New Klance Fics

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I have started two new Klance fics. I will be posting the one called "Games". The paladins play truth or dare. I know it has been done before, but this is mostly to help me get in the Voltron Universe mindset for the other fanfic. I'm really excited about it and I want it to be perfect. The second one will be called "The Butterfly Affect" based off of an observation I made in the final episode the last time I watched it. Alternate realities are fun. 

So I have been rewatching Voltron, and I remembered something that I noticed the last time I watched the last episode. In the strings of multiple realities, there were branches, almost like timelines. And that got me thinking, what if one event was changed and that caused the branches in the timeline, then maybe, things would work out where season 8 didn't happen the way it did. I did not like it for more than one reason. It is just my opinion. I mean, look at Lance freaking McClain and tell me that he would have wanted a simple life on a farm. We were promised one ship, but then we got a different one. One that felt like a rebound, and way too forced. But I am now getting off my point. Basically, the butterfly affect is a theory that even the flap of a butterfly's wing can change the course of time. In other words, one small change in action can change reality. So, this what would happen (in the reality of my creation) where almost everything works out. I mean, not everything can actually work out, but if it all happy then its like Twilight, and I hate that more than season 8. So no it isn't all happy, just most of it. For the most part, there will be no major character death (I haven't decided if Allura should still die. For the most part I come up with it as I go). So there is my really long and slightly unnecessary explanation. I hope that you will take a look. 

Nerd out

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