Chapter 9

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The beast was pacing around the West Wing. Then he picked up his mirror. "Show me Lance." Lance was talking to the wardrobe. "The master isn't so bad, once you get to know him." He said. "I don't want to get to know him. I don't want to have a thing to do with him." He said. This made the beast sag. "I was a fool." He said and went to his bed.


Hunk was watching the door. But he had fallen asleep. Then the door opened. Lance was curious. He had been having a nice talk with the wardrobe, which he now knew was name Shiro. But he was getting hungry and he wanted to explore a little. He started walking around looking for the kitchen.

Hunk was woken to the sound of footsteps. "He has emerged." He said. He started running, or hopping really, towards the kitchen to alert the staff. But the boy beat him there.

"The master has got to work on that temper of his if he ever wants to break the curse." Pidge said. "Forget that. I slaved on this meal all day and for what." Sou said. Then Lance walked in. "Uh hello good sir. You have already met Allura and Romelle, I am Pidge." She bowed and the Hunk walked in and pushed her out of the way and bowed as well. "This is Hunk." She said annoyed. "Is there anything we can do to make you stay here more comfortable, just let us know." She said. "Well, I am a little hungry." He said. "Here that, he's hungry. Start the stove, get the cutlery, wake the china." Allura said. "Remember was the master said." Pidge trembled. "Pish posh, I'm not about to let him starve." Allura said getting some food ready. "Fine. But a glass of water and crust of bread." She said but Hunk interrupted. "Pidge. I am surprised at you. He is not our prisoner. He is our guest. Right this way." He said. "Fine but keep it down." Pidge said nervously. "Of course, but what is dinner, without a little music." Hunk said. "Music." Pidge whisper yelled.

Everything was dark when Lance sat down. But then a spot light came on, showing Hunk on the table. "Ma chère Monsieur, it is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now we invite you to relax let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents your dinner! Be ,our, guest! Be our guest!" He was now singing and the dishes were walking to him and bringing food.

"Put our service to the test tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie and we'll provide the rest. Soup du jour, Hot hors d'œuvres, Why, we only live to serve, try the gray stuff, it's delicious. Don't believe me? Ask the dishes." As he sang the different dishes walked in front of him and he tried it all. The grey stuff really was delicious. Then the dishes came out the kitchen and started dancing on the table as well.

"They can sing, they can dance. After all, Sir, this is France and a dinner here is never second best. Go on, unfold your menu take a glance, and then you'll be our guest. Oui, our guest, be our guest. Beef ragout, cheese souffle Pie and pudding "en flambe"" As more food came and he tried it, Lance was getting full.

"We'll prepare and serve with flair a culinary cabaretYou're alone and you're scared. But the banquet's all prepared no one's gloomy or complaining while the flatware's entertaining. We tell jokes! I do tricks with my fellow candlesticks." Then all of the dishes singing. "And it's all in perfect taste that you can bet. Come on and lift your glass
You've won your own free pass To be our guest" Now it was only Hunk.
"If you're stressed, it's fine dining we suggest. Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!"

As the mode grew more solemn, it was only Hunk and Pidge in the spotlight. But only Hunk was singing. "Life is so unnerving for a servant who's not serving. He's not whole without a soul to wait upon. Ah, those good old days when we were useful. Suddenly those good old days are gone. Ten years we've been rusting needing so much more than dusting. Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills. Most days we just lay around the castle" The mode became happy again. "Flabby, fat and lazy you walked in and oops-a-daisy." Now Allura was singing in the kitchen.

"It's a guest! It's a guest! Sakes alive, and I'll be blessed. Wine's been poured, and thank the Lord I've had the napkins freshly pressed. With dessert, he'll want tea and my dear that's fine with me. While the cups do their soft-shoein' I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing I'll get warm, piping hot. Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot? Clean it up! We want the company impressed." Then she came out of the kitchen on her cart. "We've got a lot to do! Is it one lump or two?" Now everyone was singing and dancing except for Pidge. "For you, our guest! He's our guest! He's our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest! Our command is your request. It's been years since we've had anybody here and we're obsessed with your meal, with your ease. Yes, indeed, we aim to please. While the candlelight's still glowing let us help you, we'll keep going." Now Pidge had given up and joined in the singing. "Course by course, one by one. 'Til you shout, "Enough! I'm done!" Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest. Tonight you'll prop your feet up but for now, let's eat up. Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest! Please, be our guest!"

Lance clapped at the wonderful performance. "Bravo. That was amazing."

"Why thank you sir. Now, everyone clean up. And off to bed with you." Pidge told him. "Why couldn't sleep now. This is my first time being in an enchanted castle." He said. This made Pidge grow nervous. "Who said anything about it being enchanted." Then she turned to Hunk. "It was you wasn't it."

"Actually I figured it out on my own. It wasn't very hard. Most objects don't talk, or move." He said. "I want to explore." Pidge pulled his hand as he tried to get up. "I don't think that is the best idea." Then Lance had an idea. "You could give me a tour. I'm sure you know everything about the castle." Pidge blushed a little at the complement. "Well yes I do." Then they began walking around the castle. Pidge was reciting the facts she knew about the different areas of the castle. "And as I always say, if it's not baroque, don't fix it." She laughed at her own joke.

Lance came across a staircase and was about to walk up when he was blocked by the duo. "What's up here?" He asked them. "Oh, the West Wing, just storage space." Hunk said. "So that's the West Wing." Pidge smacked Hunk. "Just storage space." Pidge said. "If it was just storage space it wouldn't be forbidden." Lance stepped over them but they continued to try and stop him.

"Would you like to see the study, perhaps the gardens, or the library." Lance stopped. "You have a library." He asks excitedly. "Of course. Come, we will show you. There are mountains of books, stacks of books, cascades," Pidge continued her descriptions as she and Hunk tried to lead Lance to the library. But he was too curious about the West Wing. What could the beast possibly be hiding?

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