Chapter 8

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( Tay, Zac and Jessica were sitting in the hotel room playing with their figures and castle)

Tay: King Leo the brave ruler of Gallia will take over this empire and claim it as his own

Zac: Never Princess Acura and King Boris will never allow that to happen

Jessica: Yesss you can try but you'll never win

Tay: Oh yea try to defeat me and my ninja army

( Tay said as Isaac walked in with the cowboy figures and other figures in a box)

Zac: Play with us Ike you can be the Western people

(Zac said setting up the countryside buildings)

Isaac: Alright

Jessica: Cowboy Mason we need your help!!!

Isaac: Princess Acura what's the matter

Jessica: King Leo is trying to take over our empire

Isaac: That greedy king always trying to take over the kingdom we can't let that happen I will gather my army and meet you at the castle

Jessica: Oh thank you Cowboy Mason

Isaac: No problem princess

(Isaac and Taylor set up the armies and prepared for the battle while Jess got their dad to be the announcer)

Walker: Alright here we are the most epic battle in medieval history King Leo and the ninja army versus Cowboy Mason and the Western Army. One! Two! Three! Fight!

(The battle began Cowboy Mason's and King Leo's armies started to battle shooting at each other and by the end Cowboy Mason and his army came out victorious)

Tay: You may have won this time but wait cause I'll be back

Walker: And with that King Leo and what was left of his army started back to their kingdom While Cowboy Mason and the rest of the kingdom celebrated their victory 

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