Chapter 31

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:February 8th 2007:

(Isaac was driving Taylor to his CBT group while Taylor messed with the papers scattered on the seat. He pulled in front and stopped the car to look back at Taylor still messing with the papers and then he cleared his throat, that got Taylor to look up at him and then realize that they were there) Oops haha bye Ike I'll see ya later that was a quick ride. (Taylor said as he got out and Isaac waved goodbye as Taylor smiled and waved bye shutting the door and walking into the building then Isaac pulled away towards Zac and Kate's apartment)

:Zac/Kate apartment:

Glad you came over I would've driven myself but Kate needs the car to go shopping so not quite an option. (Zac said grabbing his stuff and walked out of the apartment and towards the car with Isaac) Oh it's no problem I was already dropping Taylor off at CBT so it wasn't a big deal I gotta pick him back up at 2 so I got an interesting schedule today. (Isaac as they got and headed towards the house) You know Taylor's CBT is the most interesting group I ever met I mean Chloe, Michael, and Taylor all in one place I am suprised the therapist hasn't gone nuts I would've. (Zac joked as Isaac laughed and shook his head and then mentioned that Toby and Alex make it interesting too considering they've all been together as a friend group since 1990. Then they continued joking around and talking till they made it to the house and Isaac pulled in the driveway parking and Diana who was sitting outside with Zoe and Mac came over to say hi) Hello boys you guys look like you've had hectic mornings. (She joked as Isaac and Zac smirked at her comment) I mean between CBT dropoffs and brother pickups I would say It's been pretty hectic I gotta go pickup Taylor at 2 so not quite done yet. (Isaac said as Zac chuckled and walked over to his younger siblings and chatting with them) If it helps Isaac I'll pick Taylor up it's fine I need something to do so I don't get bored. You just go get started on work with Zac. (Diana offered as Isaac smiled and thought about it for a second) Are you sure mom Taylor is really nutty after group. (Isaac asked as Diana laughed and nodded) It's fine I need to go get some groceries anyway so I'll get him on the way and he can help me that's always fun. (Isaac laughed and thanked his mom heading inside with Zac and going down to the studio while Diana finished relaxing outside with Mac and Zoe and then sent them inside around 1:45 and left to get Taylor and go grocery shopping)

(Diana sat outside the building of Taylor's CBT group looking around and going over her grocery list as she waited for Taylor to come out. She had just finished looking at the list as she heard some familiar giggling and voices and turned to see Taylor, Chloe, and Alex goofing around with each other and then saying goodbye once Taylor noticed his mom's car and started walking over and getting in) I didn't know you were getting me I thought Isaac was, at least he said he was. (Taylor said confused putting his seatbelt on as they pulled away and Diana just smiled and shook her head in amusement) He was but I told him don't worry about it I needed to go grocery shopping anyway so I told him I'll pick you up on the way and you can help me. Anyways how was CBT anything productive or fun happen? (Diana asked curious as Taylor looked in his folder at his schoolwork from Pathways that he needed to turn in on Monday) Not more then usual me and Chloe talked a lot, Michael almost started a fight with another person, and we tried to read the book but it took us a half an hour to read one chapter. (Taylor explained as Diana laughed again she was amused at her son and his friends' insane talent of driving the therapist nuts as they always had. Her and Taylor drove to the store and went in shopping for everything they needed and grabbed some premade popcorn chicken and then drove back to the house) I'm here did ya'll miss me so much I know I'm so awesome. (Taylor joked walking in dropping his garbage in the can as Walker and his brothers rolled their eyes) You're right I missed you so much Idk what I'd do without you. Thank goodness you came here Taylor. (Walker joked hugging Taylor and then leaving upstairs to get more drinks while Taylor sat down on the couch and leaned back relaxing) So what's new did ya'll do anything while I was gone or  did you sit here, act like you did something, and then do my usual take a nap. (Taylor joked as Walker came back down the stairs passing sodas out and sitting next to Taylor) Yes that is totally what we did you are so smart woo hoo. Are you like stalking us or something or do you got a hidden camera somewhere? (Zac joked sarcastically as Taylor smirked and they went to work going over songs)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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