Chapter 30

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:November 23rd 2006:

(Taylor and Alex were on their way to Taylor's parents house with the kids for Thanksgiving. They had helped his parents out by making the stuffing so it was less work for them.) Come on my posse we gotta get going the stuffing is in the bag so we are ready to go. (Alex said as Ezra ran out the door to the car and Taylor walked out with Penny and River and Alex closed the door and they headed out towards the house)

:Parents house: 

Glad you guys are here it gets boring without your guys' littles entertaining everyone. (Diana said as she hugged Taylor and Alex and took the stuffing setting it on the counter) Oh yea we would have been here sooner but it's difficult to get three kids under the age of four out the door and you know getting Taylor out the door is a bonus task haha. (Alex joked as Kate, Natalie, and the guys laughed at them as Taylor punched Alex's arm and smirked at him and walked off to the kitchen to help cook) Oh no my annual annoyance Taylor quick everyone hide! (Avery joked as she stirred the potatoes and Taylor stuck his tongue out and Avery did the same) I'm glad I am so loved by my family haha. (Taylor joked as Walker laughed and hugged his son who was helping Avery with the potatoes and everyone finished up dinner and ate) 

:2 hrs later:

(Kate, Zac and Natalie were in the kitchen cleaning up everything and putting stuff away) I never realized how messy our family was till I became part of this family. (Kate joked taking the packed up food and putting it in the fridge as Zac and Natalie wiped the counter and cleaned the sink out) Well we are a big family it's gonna happen at every big gathering ya know. Anyways I think we're done Mac and Zoe already cleaned the table and stuff so we should get going to the apartment. (Zac said as the ladies nodded and they said goodbye to Diana, Walker, and Zac's younger siblings and they left for the apartment. 

:next day at Taylor/Alex's house: 

Good morning kiddos!! (Alex said giving Ezra and Penny breakfast while River continued to sleep and he checked on Taylor who was still asleep in bed his stuffed dinosaur from his parents laying on the floor so Alex picked it up and put it back on the bed and checked Taylor's temperature and stuff before leaving him to rest for a bit before work) 

:1 hour later:

Oh look who's awake gee you can really sleep anyway here I made burgers and fries so eat up before you go to work. Your mom and Natalie came and got the kids so it's just us for a bit. (Alex said setting down the table and plate of food down in front of Taylor and sat down next to him turning on the tv) Sleeping is necessary even if you don't always wanna do it Alex so it's good that I sleep. (Taylor joked as Alex smiled and laughed) Not saying it's bad hun but gee you usually hate sleeping so seeing you do it a lot is crazy. (Alex explained laying back against his pillow watching tv while Taylor ate his food) Good I kinda suck at fries anyway I try to make them haha usually why I don't do the cooking. (Alex asked as Taylor nodded munching on the fries and taking a bite of a burger) It's good but I know I am such a better cook I am awesome sauce haha!! But don't worry you'll always be second place for now mainly cause the kids can't reach anything yet but Ezra will be able to soon. (Taylor sarcastically joked as Alex punched him in the arm and smiled before commenting) Well I mean Ezra can make toast he just won't take it out himself cause it's too hot. So don't put our almost 4 year old down yet he's getting somewhere. (Taylor smiled and laughed before he finished eating and left for work and Alex watched TV till Diana and Natalie brought the kids home) 

:at work:

Oh my god it's alive!!! (Walker joked as Taylor walked in and set his stuff down on the couch and stuck his tongue out at him) Well hey someone is sick and has three kids 3 and under so excuse me if I slept a bit and spent some alone time with Alex. (Taylor commented smiling as Zac made fake vomiting noises and stuck his tongue out as the others laughed) It's fine I'm just teasing ya buddy I know how hard having tiny tots can be. Trust me I definitely understand that. (Walker said hugging Taylor from behind who smiled and grabbed a pic of his boys) 

I mean it makes me happy Ezra has a new brother and I mean Penny too but I feel like there's a special bond between brothers

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I mean it makes me happy Ezra has a new brother and I mean Penny too but I feel like there's a special bond between brothers. I mean Ezra has been trying to help us with everything as Alex was telling me earlier he's learning to make toast and he's not even 4 yet I mean he's impressing us every day. (Taylor explained to his brothers and Walker who smiled and nodded) He's definitely becoming a mini Taylor for sure. Soon enough he'll be doing so much on his own it'll surprise you. (Walker said as the guys got to work and worked till it was time to wrap up and go home)

:Taylex house: 

(When Taylor got home he did his usual dropping his stuff two steps into the door much to Alex's amusement and helped make dinner. After everyone ate Taylor told Alex to go ahead and go to sleep early and he'd take care of the kids and dishes since Alex has been doing so much and definitely needed the break. Alright come on kiddos let's get in bed it's about 7:15. (Taylor said as Ezra ran into his room and climbed into bed while Taylor grabbed River and put him in the crib and turned the monitor on while Penny ran around Taylor waiting) Alrighty goodnight Ezra I'll see you tomorrow bud have a good sleep and you too River. (Taylor kissed both the boys and hugged Ezra then took Penny to her room and did the same then went to start on the dishes and the kids' laundry till Chloe called to let him know she was at their house) Hi Chloe didn't know you were stopping by! (Taylor exclaimed as Chloe stepped in and shut the door and they hugged and walked into the kitchen where Taylor was finishing up the dishes putting them away in the cupboard) Oh wow you're doing chores that's new haha I thought chores were outside of your itinerary. I am so proud of you haha. (Chloe joked grabbing a soda and standing at the counter while Taylor just smirked and put the sponges and scrubbies away and picked up the toys in the living room and walked to the playroom and put them away then walked to the laundry room as Chloe followed behind him sipping on soda) I hope my chore doing is super entertaining Chloe cause you seem to be watching so intently. Also I can do chores it's just Alex ends up doing them more cause most of the time I'm not here. (Chloe smirked and sat down at the table with Taylor who started folding the newly cleaned laundry) But anyways I came here for updated gossip I mean I haven't been in Tulsa for a couple weeks since I was in Florida with my dad. You won't believe how many people asked me if I was a relative of Tony Bennett cause of my slight musical talent I mean I wish but no. I mean I can do a great rendition of New York New York. (Chloe joked as Taylor laughed and then she started helping Taylor fold the laundry and put it away) I mean there's not much gossip I mean Toby and Ryan almost got in a fight during CBT group and Sara got a boyfriend for the first time ever. I mean the whole fight went on while me, Michael, and Sara just joked about it. Alex wasn't there though he said his sister needed his help that day so he skipped that day he was so pissed he missed the good stuff. (Taylor joked as Chloe laughed and fell back on the couch after they put the clothes away) Alex shouldn't worry Ryan is always starting fights with everyone I guess that's why he does more CBT one on one than most of us in group do he needs anger help. But anyways I'd love to hangout but I should really get going I mean we got group tomorrow and my brain doesn't function well without enough sleep. So I'll see your goofball self tomorrow around 11:30. (Chloe said saying goodbye to Taylor and then left. Taylor finished cleaning up and putting things away then shut the lights off and went to sleep)

AN: I am gonna start doing longer chapters if I feel these are too short and sorry this took so long to come out I've been sick the last 10 days and wasn't really able to work much on it but here it is. Don't forget to leave chapter ideas for future years and your thoughts on the story. Also let me know on FB or Instagram if you want me to make the time frame of the story longer so it goes up to 2023. Thank you for reading!!!

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