Chapter 29

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(May/June 2006)

:May 25th 2006:

I can't believe the wedding is next week, it's crazy time went by that fast. (Zac said to Kate as they went over wedding plans for the last time) Yea I had to make some last minute changes since Julie will be there to help Taylor with the event cause there's gonna be a good amount of people and he's still not quite comfortable with everything. (Kate said as Zac nodded in agreement as he put the papers back in the folder) Yea I'd rather Julie be there just in case then Taylor to get overwhelmed especially since he's still sounding sick I swear it's getting worse. He was sick a couple months ago but he's sounding sick again and has been for like two weeks. (Zac explained putting the folder away as they went out to the kitchen and got a drink) I totally agree those were my thoughts exactly. Well I'm gonna go get some stuff from the store I'll be back in a bit. (Kate said grabbing the keys and her jacket as Zac nodded and went to play video games)

:at the Tay/Alex home:

You gonna get outta bed and at least look semi alive. I know you're sick but like I want you to get up so I can give you some dino nuggets and fries. (Alex said as Taylor slightly opened his eyes and sat up sitting back against the pillows as Alex set the lap table down and placed the plate of food on it and a drink in the cup holder) Thanks Alex I'll see how much I can eat but my stomach feels queasy. (Taylor said as Alex nodded and left Taylor to eat while he took care of Ezra and Penny who were also eating. About 30 minutes later Alex walked into the bedroom to see that Taylor ate everything but a couple fries and had moved his drink from the cup holder and set it on the bedside table and went back to sleep so Alex took the plate and table and walked out of room leaving Taylor to sleep)

:2 hrs later:

(Diana, Walker, and Zoe stopped by the house to see how Taylor was doing and go over the wedding schedule to ensure that things go over well) Oh hi guys come in I completely forgot you three were coming. (Alex said letting them in and closing the door as Zoe ran to play with the kids) Well we were planning to go over the schedule with Taylor if he's awake I'd like him to be prepared and I know you already went over it with the kids. (Diana said as Alex nodded and they headed to the bedroom where Taylor was watching a rerun of Bones. He looked up at them as they walked in and turned the tv off) Trying to learn medical stuff too on top of watching Smallville you are gonna be full of smarts huh haha. (Walker joked as Taylor smiled and stuck his tongue out as Diana and Walker sat down on the either side of the bed, Diana scooching back next to Taylor so Walker could get on the bed more) Are you guys here to make fun of me not a very parent like thing right or do you have an actual reason cause if not I'll go back to watching Brennan and Booth. (Taylor joked as his parents smirked at him) We are here to go over the wedding schedule we told you we were coming over jeez you two don't remember anything do ya haha. (Diana joked as she messed with Taylor's hair who just smirked and shook his head and started laughing as Walker jokingly punched his arm) Well then you better get me a printout schedule cause I'm gonna forget before the wedding haha. What schedule could you possibly need though there's a reception, food, and casual dancing to laugh or cry at haha not like I haven't been to a wedding already. (Taylor said turning and putting his legs over Diana's and hanging off the side of the bed so his head was just above the floor) What are you doing you weirdo sit up all your blood is gonna go to your head or I'll grab your legs and launch you onto the floor. (Alex joked sarcastically walking into the bedroom with a clean basket of laundry and set it on the floor in front of the bed and walked to where Diana was smiling at them and Walker was trying to not laugh) No I'm comfy like this I am pretty sure I sat like this once when I was 10 or 11. Also I'll fight you into next Friday so you won't make it to the wedding and I'll have to tell them you disappeared from existence. (Taylor half joked as Alex smirked and Walker and Diana laughed while Alex grabbed Taylor's legs and pushed him completely on the floor, and then walked over to where Taylor was laying there unamused and rubbing his head) Wanna say it again Taylor I'll hit you with Ezra's football haha. (Alex said sarcastically as Taylor stood up and launched himself at Alex knocking them both down and onto the floor wrestling him as Zoe and Ezra ran into the room with Penny trailing behind with Isaac and Nikki) Weirdos!!! This isn't WWE don't you think you two should act a little more civil Isaac and Nikki are here. (Taylor sat up and sat against the bed his face was red and he buried his head into his knees as everyone looked at him worried so Zoe took her cue and ushered Ezra and Penny out of the room with Walker and Diana and headed back out to the living room as Isaac and Nikki walked over and crouched down on either side of Alex who was trying to talk to Taylor) Taylor sweetie hey look at me it's ok. What's wrong?? (Alex asked as Nikki motioned for her to talk to him so Isaac and Alex just moved aside to the other side of the room to talk while Nikki sat on her knees in front of Taylor) Taylor? Can you look at me please... I wanna talk to you. (Nikki asked as Taylor peered up from his knees looking at her slightly before leaning his head against the bed and Nikki wiped his tears from his face as he looked back at her) You wanna tell me what happened why are you crying. (Nikki asked as Isaac and Alex walked back over) I was just upset at Alex and I overreacted and tackled him. I was just upset and now I feel bad and stuff cause I thought I hurt him or something and he was mad, and then Zoe came in and was calling us weirdos and saying we should act more civil. (Taylor said twiddling his fingers and looking at the bedside table before standing up and sitting on the edge of the bed) Taylor I'm not hurt it's ok I thought we were just joking around if I actually upset you I'm sorry. Did I hurt your head? (Alex asked sitting down next to him as Nikki stood up and and walked over to Isaac and they walked out leaving them to talk) No my head was fine but now I got a headache. I wanna go back to sleep. (Taylor said laying back down and curling up as Alex stood up and covered Taylor up with the blanket) That's fine you go ahead and go back to sleep and I'll go talk to them out there ok. (Alex said kissing Taylor's forehead and leaving the room as Taylor nodded and closed his eyes going back to sleep.)

:June 3rd 2006:

(It was the day of the wedding and the boys were hanging out talking while Zac was getting ready and the ladies were doing the same thing) You looking great Zac!! (Ezra exclaimed looking over at Zac as Alex fixed Ezra's suit) Thank you Ezra you're looking great too! (Ezra smiled and jumped down from the couch and hugged Zac who hugged him back while Taylor said bye to everyone and went to join Julie in the main room to go over a couple things) Are you ready for the wedding and everything Taylor? (Julie asked as Taylor wandered around and looked out the window) I mean I sorta am but some things are still kinda making me nervous. Like I'm good with the schedule and stuff like that I think it's just the amount of people is still kinda making me nervous. (Julie nodded at Taylor's response as Taylor sat down in his assigned chair and Julie sat down next to him and they talked a bit till it was time for the ceremony then everyone got into their respective places and the ceremony began, after the ceremony everyone gathered in the other room to eat Zac,Isaac,Taylor,Walker,Kate, Julie sat together) It was a really good wedding I may have shed a tear haha. So touching. (Taylor joked as Zac lightly punched him in the arm and laughed) Well we are very sweet people and ya know it is a wedding. (Zac joked taking a bite of mashed potatoes and taking a sip of water) Besides Tay aren't you the one who joked at the house that one day that weddings were sappy I am fairly certain you said that when we mentioned the schedule. (Walker joked as Taylor smirked and laughed and sat back in his chair with a piece of buttered bread) I did but I meant the dances not the reception but I guess receptions are sappy too. Anyways nice wedding Zac but sappy. (Taylor said as they all smiled) Yea ok let's just finish up so we don't start fighting like birds. (Zac said as everyone continued to talk and eat before it was time for the dances and everything it was an amazing wedding and everyone enjoyed it)

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