Chapter 28

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(January 10th 2006)

(Natalie was sitting in the hospital getting an ultrasound she had agreed to be the surrogate mom for Alex and Taylor helping them so they could have kids. Taylor and Alex already had two kids they adopted Ezra and Penny and were waiting for their third child who was due in September. Alex, Taylor, and their kids recently moved into a house on Sandusky Ave.) Well Natalie the baby is looking very healthy so everything is really good so far. (The doctor said as Natalie sat up and fixed her shirt. She said thank you to the doctor and headed out towards Alex and Taylor's house where Diana was sitting outside with Ezra who was running around the yard) Hi Diana nice to see you!! I see your busy haha. (Natalie joked as Ezra ran over hugging her and Taylor came outside with Penny) Hi Natalie!!! It's nice to see you!! (Ezra said happily as Taylor and Diana laughed and walked over) Yes I am very busy 3 year olds are wild I know I had 7 of them haha. (Diana joked as Ezra ran to his dad and hugged his leg) It's nice to see you Natalie how's everything I heard from Kate there was an ultrasound appointment today. (Taylor asked as they all walked into the house and Diana helped Natalie sit down in the reclining chair) It was great they said the baby is healthy and he said everything is looking really good right now. Speaking of babies and toddlers where is Alex haha. (Natalie asked laughing) That's great glad everything is good and Alex is with his band working on stuff) Ahh ok isn't that where you should be too? (Natalie joked as Taylor handed Penny off to Diana and grabbed a jacket) Yea I waiting for you to get here cause I really didn't wanna leave my mom to watch Penny and Ezra they can get crazy. (Taylor explained as he said goodbye to them and headed out towards the studio)

:at the studio:

Oh you're here I almost thought you weren't coming haha. (Zac joked sitting back in the chair as Taylor smiled and set his stuff down) Sorry Natalie's ultrasound appointment I guess took a little longer than I thought and I didn't wanna leave mom with Ezra and Penny. (Taylor explained as Walker came into the room with Isaac) She would have been fine Tay trust me she's delt with a few more kids than that by herself and trust me you kids were wackos especially you. (Walker said patting Tay's shoulder as Taylor just smiled) Yea I guess so I wasn't really thinking speaking of everything how's wedding planning Zac I mean ya got some months to go but I know both of you wanted to plan early. (Taylor asked sitting in a chair next to Isaac) It's going good we got a few things done still a lot of things to do though. (Zac said as the three of them walked into the other room and sat down at their instruments and started getting ready for work) Have you thought about marriage Tay I mean in general I mean me and Nikki have for sure. (Isaac asked as he tuned the guitar) I mean yea we thought about it but honestly we'd have to go to Massachusetts just to get married I mean we needed Natalie's help just to adopt Ezra and Penny because Oklahoma doesn't allow same sex couples to adopt let alone get married. (Taylor explained and the other two nodded and they continued working for the rest of the day then went home) Have a good day? (Taylor asked walking in and dropping his stuff on the floor and sitting down on the couch as Alex walked out and rolled his eyes at Taylor's stuff on the floor by the door) It was good and ya know Tay sweetie it'd be better if your stuff made it further in to where it goes then three steps into the house. I mean the stuff isn't going to go there by itself... unless ya know they grow legs. (Alex joked as Taylor smirked and sunk into the couch while Alex put Taylor's shoes on the rack and hung his bags and jacket. He then went and sat with Taylor on the couch turning on the tv) Ya know you drive me crazier than the kids do. (Alex said laughing as Taylor turned to his side and curled up on the cushion with his head on the pillow) I am one of the kids haha just kidding but I also have special needs so I am a two for one. (Taylor joked and closed his eyes falling asleep as Alex smiled and shook his head covering up Taylor then turning off the TV and heading to sleep)

:2 days later:

Good morning sleepy! (Alex exclaimed walking out into the living room with Ezra and Penny as Taylor slightly opened his eyes before covering his head with the blanket and falling back asleep. Alex just shook his head smiling and fixed the kids some breakfast before nudging Taylor off the couch and telling him to go lay down in their room and go back to sleep) Why daddy so tired?? (Ezra asked climbing up on the couch with Alex and Penny and sitting back) He had a long day yesterday his work is a bit more hectic than mine. He was also helping his brother plan a wedding which is a lot of work. (Alex explained as Ezra smiled and grabbed a car off the table and sat back playing with it) Who is getting married? (Ezra asked looking up again) Zac and Kate are, they are planning to get married in June which I think will be fun. (Ezra smiled and nodded and went back to his car while Alex turned cartoons on and went to check on Taylor) Anyone alive in this bedroom? (Alex opened the door to the bedroom and walked in looking at Taylor curled in the blanket sleeping he walked over to the bed and sat down at the edge and watched for a second before hearing Taylor sniffle a bit) You ok Taylor that don't sound normal? (Alex asked as Taylor stirred a bit and Alex felt his head realizing that Taylor is warm he got up and got the thermometer and an ice pack while the kids continued watching TV. He walked back in and took Taylor's temperature before wrapping the ice pack and putting it on Taylor's forehead before leaving him to sleep)

:3 hrs later:

(Zac and Isaac stopped by Alex and Taylor's house to see why Taylor hadn't been at work yet) Oh hi guys come in. Welcome to MTV cribs haha I'm kidding. (Alex joked as the other two smiled and laughed and hugged Ezra and Penny who came running at them) We came here to see what was going on with Taylor we haven't heard from him at all and he hasn't been at work yet. (Zac said as Alex nodded and the kids went back to their snacks and TV) Taylor is sick and sleeping bed he fell asleep the moment he got home and woke up long enough to move from the couch to our bed before passing out again. (Alex said) Ahh we knew Taylor was getting sick but we didn't realize it was this bad. We'll just check in on him and the probably head back to the studio to finish up for today. (Isaac said as Alex nodded and went back to the kids as Zac and Isaac made their way down to the bedroom stopping to look at a picture of Taylor on the beach with the kids.)

Hi Taylor you awake in here? (Zac asked as they walked in and Taylor slightly opened his eyes and looked at them) Hi

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Hi Taylor you awake in here? (Zac asked as they walked in and Taylor slightly opened his eyes and looked at them) Hi.. why are you two here? (Taylor asked grabbing the ice pack off his head and setting it on the coffee table and sitting up against the back board) Well we've been at work for like 5 hours and we noticed you didn't show up so we were coming to ensure you're still alive and we heard from Alex that your sick and I mean you are looking sicker than you have been. (Zac explained as Taylor smiled slightly and sniffled some more and launched into a coughing fit which got Isaac and Zac worried and trying to help him Isaac sat on the opposite side of the bed rubbing Taylor's back as Taylor laid back on his side and curled up hiding his face in the blanket as Zac came back with some cough medicine and gave it to Taylor. They then stayed around to help Alex with the kids and taking care of Taylor then left to close up work and called their mom who happily went over to help Alex while Taylor was sick.)

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