Chapter 22

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:August 2003:

(the hanson family was packing up for the Underneath Acoustic tour after leaving the label back in May they guys were eager to get started on the tour. Natalie, Kate and Alex decided to join them on this tour so they were packing their things too)  Phew I think we're done just need to get in with our carry ons. (Natalie said as Zac and her packed the last suitcase in the back and closed the trunk as everyone started piling in the vans and heading for the airport to go to Maryland)

:at the airport:

(as the entered the airport Diana went and requested a group coordinator who came and helped the group with checking in. security and settling in airport seats) You know I forgot about group coordinators for airport considering we haven't needed one in awhile. (Isaac said sitting down on his seat and buckling) Yea well a lot of the recent traveling hasn't been large groups of 10 or more and this is so we don't lose anyone like the lovebirds x2. (Avery said looking over at where Zac, the girls, Taylor, and Alex were settling into seats and Taylor looked over and stuck his tongue out and Avery just smiled and stuck her tongue out back and turned back forward sitting back and buckling) We are above the clouds!! (Zoe exclaimed as Taylor and Alex looked over and smiled at her oh to be young and happy about everything) Yea we are so high in the sky aren't we I haven't noticed haha. (Alex commented at Zoe who nodded and starting pointing out everything she saw to Taylor and Alex) Man I am so tired and I have no idea why.. like I slept last night so I shouldn't be tired.  Maybe you should try taking a nap the flight is gonna be a bit. (Kate commented at Zac as he thought about it for a second before agreeing and laying back in the seat) How many shows do you guys have planned? (Natalie asked turning towards Taylor who sat back in his seat and sighed) I think like 22 or something I don't remember haha my brain's too small for that. Doof! I mean 22 shows sounds like a good number so is this gonna last like a few months. (Natalie commented) It should last till mid November our last show is November 11th. (Isaac chimed in) Oh wow very nice!! (Isaac nodded in agreement turning back in his seat and Zoe finished her explanations of everything she saw as they flew and fell asleep, Alex sighed in relief and sat back in his seat, and Diana and Walker were discussing stuff about the tour like merch and when they'd have time for things like eating and what ifs) 

:in Maryland: 

Alex: Woo doesn't it feel great to be off the plane I feel like everyone fell asleep and it was really crammy in there. (Alex said stretching as Taylor walked up to him) Well it is an airplane Alex not an apartment in air... It's made to have like a hundred seats. (Taylor said sarcastically making fun of Alex who just punched him lightly in the arm as Jessica and Zac laughed at them) Man you two already fight like an old married couple it's crazy and ya'll are only in your early 20s. (Zac joked) They been like that since they met it's just Taylor's entertaining sarcastic humor and Alex being as soft as a sponge that's soaked. (Isaac said sarcastically) Hey!!!! I am not soft I am very tough thank you lovebird!!! And we do not fight like an old married couple Zac. Sure you do it's blatantly obvious anyone can see it right Jess. (Zac said looking at Jessica who just rolled her eyes) I am not getting in the middle of your guys' dumb argument. (Jessica said and then went back to talking to Avery) How about less arguing and more getting on the bus before we leave ya'll here and you can find a way to the hotel. (Walker said walking over to them and they just smiled and got on the bus picking beds and climbing in to relax)  Hey look Alex an even crammier space than your airplane seat. (Zac joked again) Shut up Zachary haha man I wonder how you breathe in these beds I am glad I am not claustrophobic. (Alex said climbing into a bed and layed back) Oh but I am claustrophobic and seem to do just fine in these beds. (Taylor commented) Then how are you not absolutely freaking out about it I mean these beds aren't exactly spacious. (Kate asked turning to Taylor) I think I've just gotten used to these beds I mean you should have seen me the first time I saw tour bus beds that was pretty wild. (Taylor said laughing as Zac started laughing too) Yea I mean he practically almost kicked dad where the sun don't shine when dad tried to get him to go to bed. (Kate, Natalie, and Alex looked at Taylor shocked as Taylor's sibling just laughed) Jeez Taylor don't hurt him it's just a bed pfft. (Natalie joked) Hey I'm fine now!!! I was like 13!!! (Taylor argued) Still was a crazy memory for the history books. Top 10 most insane Taylor Hanson moments haha. (They all kept joking with each other until they made it to the hotel then checked and went to get rooms, Jessica,Avery,Natalie, and Kate were in one room, Zac,Isaac,Taylor, and Alex were in a second room, and the third room was Mac and Zoe with Diana and Walker) Trust me if you two ever want embarassing stories on Taylor or Zac me and Avie have plenty of those. (Jessica said to Kate and Natalie) I'll let ya know I am always up for some good embarassing humor and dirt on people. (The girls unpacked and then settled in to hear more embarassing Zac and Taylor stories while the boys set up a show on the tv and sat there watching it till they got bored and either napped or set up the gaming system and played some games) 

:meanwhile in room 3:

Diana: You know I know that they're just joking around with each other but you'd think the kids would find better things to talk about then making jokes about each other. (Diana said sitting down)  I agree I mean it does drive me crazy sometimes but I mean what are ya gonna do. (Walker said) Besides mom it's hilarious and you know that it's just how we are. (Mac said taking some things out of his bag and setting them down on the bed) I know you are all my little weirdos that doesn't help with anything. (Diana said) You'll understand someday mom ok just give it time.

(Sorry this chapter has taken so long to be published I have been sick with a cold the last few days and my birthday is coming up on the 26th so been planning for that but hope you enjoy the new chapter!!)

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