Chapter 24

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:July 2004:

Zac: It's really great to be in Georgia cause that means I can go see Kate and ya'll can visit Natalie and I mean this is the first tour Nikki has been on with us and so far it's been a blast.

Taylor: I mean yea Nikki gets to meet Natalie and Kate so definitely fun!

(Taylor said enthusiastically as Nikki agreed with him and they all all drove up to Kate's house to visit. when they got there Natalie and Kate were sitting on the couch chatting) 

Kate: Oh hi guys great to see you finally made it I assume everything was good ya know like planes and stuff. 

(Kate stated sarcastically as they all just smiled at her and laughed) 

Alex: Nah actually just standing around outside the bus at the gas station chatting but hey ya'll get to meet Isaac's love Nikki.

Natalie: Oh right! Nice to meet you Nikki I'm Natalie!!!

Kate: And I'm Kathryn but everyone calls me Kate.

Nikki: Nice to meet you two!

(the ladies said shaking hands and sitting back down on the couch, Nikki and Isaac sat down with them on the couch and the others sat on the other couch)

Taylor: So um are we gonna talk about something or sit on couches and have staring contests.

(Taylor sarcastically stated as everyone just rolled their eyes)

Isaac: Well what should we talk about I mean we can talk about Smallville but I doubt anyone wants another conversation on that.

Zac: Let's talk about the show and why we should rehearse earlier than usual so we sound good and not like garbage. 

Kate: Oh but what about looking like garbage Zac. 

(Kate joked and Zac just rolled his eyes)

Zac: We never look like garbage!!!

Natalie: Oh really cause I assumed looking like waste was an acquired taste of fashion the three of you had down already.

Nikki: I second that,

Alex: I am staying out of it!

(Alex exclaimed sarcastically and everyone just laughed and continued chatting before deciding to go walk around till dinner)

Natalie: So where do ya'll wanna go??

Kate: Ya'll wanna see the Atlanta Botanical Garden I think it's quite nice.

Zac: Ooo flowers!!!! I'd love to see those!!

(Zac said sarcastically and the guys laughed as Kate punched him in the arm)

Natalie: Yea let's go there!

(they all walked to the gardens and headed in looking around at all the flowers and greenery) 

Taylor: What's supposed to be on the fountain blue squiggles with bubbles.

Taylor: What's supposed to be on the fountain blue squiggles with bubbles

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