Chapter 26

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:February 2005:

(Hanson were just finishing promo and were in the van riding back to their hotel)

Zac: Think you can wait till we get to the hotel to pass out Tay?

(Zac jokingly asked Taylor who was passing out with his head on the window)

Isaac: Guess not haha.

(Isaac laughed leaning Taylor onto his shoulders and wrapping his arm around back so if they hit a bump Taylor's head doesn't hit the window)

Zac: Well we are only like 5 minutes away might wanna wake him up.

Isaac: Yea you're probably right. Come on Tay wake up we are pretty much at the hotel wait till we get a room then you can go pass out on a bed instead of on a seat.

(Taylor stirred opening his eyes and looking around as they stopped in front of the hotel and the driver opened the door and grabbed them their suitcases they thanked him paying and then headed into the hotel checking in, heading to the room and then Taylor pulled open the blanket and climbed in bed quickly falling asleep again as Zac pulled the blanket over him. And laid next to him reading as Isaac unpacked some things)

Isaac: Such a sleepy head. I mean it's kind of adorable though haha.

(Isaac said as him and Zac looked at Taylor passed out)

Zac: Well it's a Taylor thing I guess remember when no one could ever get Taylor to go to bed now he just falls asleep without issues.

(Zac joked as Isaac laughed and laid down in the other bed)

Isaac: I think that was an ASD thing Taylor always had more energy at night I feel some things changed as he's older now. You know those things happen.

(Isaac said and Zac nodded in agreement and closed his book)

Zac: Yea you're probably right anyways I'ma get some sleep night Ike.

(Zac turned to his side, turning his lamp off and covering up)

Isaac: Night Zac.

:next day:

Zac: Good morning sleepy.

(Zac said handing Taylor his meds for his ASD,SAD, and reflux and some breakfast and coffee)

Taylor: Morning... gee I'm still tired haha.

Zac: Haha that's why we call you sleepy.

(Zac joked as Taylor took his meds and started eating his breakfast. He ate about all of it except a bit of eggs before his chest hurt so he handed the plate and coffee cup back to Isaac who set it on the cart for the room service and put the cart in the hallway)

Isaac: At least you ate most of it that surprised me haha, usually you don't eat that much.

Taylor: Must've been really hungry haha. I'm just as surprised as you are.

(Taylor said standing up from the bed and walking into the bathroom with some clothes to get ready as Zac walked out of it brushing his hair)

Zac: Ahh freshly washed hair smells and looks nice.

Isaac: Is that a normal thing to smell your clean hair?

Zac: Yes I'm pretty sure it is I mean it's kinda like the same as people smelling freshly clean laundry ya know it's like soothing or something.

Taylor: Ooo soothing fun!

(Taylor said sarcastically, smiling as he walked out of the bathroom and threw his dirty clothes on his suitcase as Isaac just shook his head smiling and stuffed Tay's dirty clothes in the suitcase)

Zac: Come here my dearest messy brother cause I shall brush your mop you call your hair.

Taylor: Shush!! It looks nothing like a mop.

(Taylor joked walking over to where Zac was and sat down and Zac sat next to him and started brushing his hair as Taylor put his socks on and Isaac cleaned up his and Taylor's stuff putting them away in the suitcases and bookbags and stacked Zac's things on the bed in a pile as he asked. Zac finished brushing Taylor's hair and stood up grabbing his bookbag and suitcase and packing his things. They put on their shoes and headed out to the taxi)

:at the airport:

Zac: Ahh airport life flying home for a few days then leaving again for Sweden promo fun!

Isaac: Yea work is fun but very tiring. I mean I am ready to nap.

Zac: That's something I expect to hear from Taylor haha. I mean he just fell asleep right when he hit the hotel bed last night.

Taylor: Dude communicating and promos are tiring especially for people like me. But I'll admit me falling asleep anywhere is pretty funny.

Isaac: Yea I'm sure I mean you have fears of groups of people and struggle with social stuff so understanding that it would tire you out. And you kidding I always lose it when you go to sleep on the floor it's like you'd fall asleep on a staircase if we let you. I actually think as a kid you did fall asleep on a staircase.

(Isaac said as Taylor and Zac agreed and they checked into the airport and waited to board the plane. They were able to preboard along with a couple other people because of Taylor's anxiety and ASD. They sat down with Taylor in the window seat and Isaac handed Taylor back his bookbag after Taylor buckled in)

:halfway through the flight:

(The guys were sitting in their seats, Taylor was looking out the window staring off at the clouds and stuff as they passed by, Zac was reading a book, and Isaac was organizing his bag. The flight attendant came by asking if they wanted anything to eat or drink.)

Isaac: Taylor hey dude?

(Isaac tapped on Taylor's shoulder and he turned around and looked at them and Isaac pointed to the lady who gave a menu to him and asked him if he wanted anything. Taylor ordered a turkey wrap with cheese, a bag of chips, and some coffee. Isaac got the same thing but got fruit instead of cheese and Zac got a chicken sandwich with chips, buttered bread and a Mtn Dew. The lady nodded and left to get their things while the other attendant continued taking orders. After the guys got their food and ate, Zac went back to reading and Isaac comforted Taylor because his stomach was hurting until Taylor felt better and went to listening to music so Isaac sat back and did some typing on his laptop till they landed in Tulsa airport)

Diana: You three have a good flight?

(Diana asked as they put their stuff in the trunk and got in)

Zac: Yea it was pretty good not many issues except for Taylor's usual stomach ache after eating.

Diana: That's good, ya feeling better Taylor?

Taylor: Yea I'm fine kinda tired though and bored.

Diana: Well let's get going then everyone is at the house.

(Diana said as they pulled away from the airport and headed towards the house. When they got there they were greeted by Alex and the ladies, and their siblings. They said their hellos and then headed in most of them hung out except for Taylor who went to rest in their parents' room.)

Zac: Ahh missed being home.

Isaac: Same here but Germany was great.

Kate: Yea it was actually quiet here.

(Kate joked as the two guys just rolled their eyes at her)

Alex: Nah but seriously good to see you guys and sleepy in the bedroom back.

Isaac: Good to be back!

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