Chapter 10

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:set in late 1999:
(It was 8:00 Saturday morning and Taylor was going to meet with his LGBT group, all the LGBT kids and adults in Tulsa come together to hangout together )

Diana: Ok I'll be back to get you at 3:30 ok Tay

Tay: Ok bye momma

(Taylor said shutting his door and walking into the building and Charlie and Amanda ran over to him)

Charlie: Great to see you Taylor!!

Tay: Great to see you too Charlie and you too Amanda

Amanda: It's been awhile haha

Tay: It certainly has!!

(Taylor exclaimed hugging his friends and walking to their table as Alex walked back to the table from the snack table and as soon as he saw Taylor he smiled and dropped the snacks and drinks on the table and walked over to Taylor)

Alex: Bout time you came haha

Tay: Nah I wanted to skip some days

Alex: You would never

(Alex joked as him and Taylor hugged and he kissed Taylor )

Tay: Definitely missed that haha

Alex: I know you did

(The two of them sat together on the other side of the table and passed the snacks and drinks around to everyone)

Charlie: So how's the traveling been going so far?

Tay: It's been interesting our fans are a little too wild but we love them

Alex: They better not be hurting you with their craziness

Tay: Naw I'm good thank you they aren't that crazy haha

Alex: Good cause that would make me upset and then have to fight them

Amanda: You two are too cute for words

Tay: Aww thanks

(Tay said blushing as he opened his Pepsi and took a sip)

Carlos: Have you been able to tell your family yet bout you and Alex?

(Carlos asked turning to face them )

Taylor: Nah I haven't and really don't think I can tell them except for maybe Zac my mom thinks this group is just for like music talk

Charlie: Ohhh well do you think you'd tell Zac??

Tay: Maybe someday just not rn

Alex: I'd hope so I'd love for our relationship to be more public and known so rumors don't spread around and stop spreading around but I understand

Tay: Thank you Alex

(Taylor said as Alex put his arm around Taylor's shoulders and pulled him close to him while Carlos and his friends joined their table and they all started talking until 3:30 when it was time to go)


(Taylor walked out the doors of the building and got into the car next to Kate who was in Tulsa visiting Zac with her friend and Diana started the car and pulled away)

Tay: Hi Kate

Kate: Oh hi Taylor nice to see you

Tay: Nice to see you too!! Hi Natalie.

Nat: Hi Taylor how are you

Tay: I'm good how are you guys

Nat: We're good really excited to visit here

Diana: We're glad to have you girls visiting

(Diana said smiling in the front seat as she drove up the road and parked the car and they all went inside and went their separate ways, Diana went to the back house with Natalie, Taylor went to the kitchen to talk to Isaac and Kate went to find Zac)

Isaac: Oh hey dude how was the music chat??

Tay: Went pretty well mainly talked recording stuff ya know

Isaac: Yea yea I gotchu, you've been having a lot of these chats huh??

Tay: Uh... yea ya know just like to um speak with other people

Isaac: Yeaaa well get what you need and come to the studio room so we can get some work done

Tay: Alright

(Taylor said as Isaac walked out the kitchen towards the studio room and Zac walked into the kitchen)

Zac: Hi Tay

Taylor: Hey dude

(Taylor said looking at the magazine on the counter he felt bad that he was lying to people about where he went but he didn't feel ready to tell them yet but he did feel he could tell Zac, because him and Zac have always had a really good relationship with each other)

(Taylor said looking at the magazine on the counter he felt bad that he was lying to people about where he went but he didn't feel ready to tell them yet but he did feel he could tell Zac, because him and Zac have always had a really good relation...

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Tay: Hey Zac could I talk to you out front of the house real quick

Zac: Uh yea sure

(Zac said grabbing him and Taylor a soda and heading out front with him and sitting on the bench)

Zac: What do you wanna talk about

Tay: It's a little difficult to explain honestly maybe this is a bad idea

(Tay panicked turning away from Zac only for Zac to grab Tay's shoulders and turn him back towards him)

Zac: Tay look at me

(Zac said as Tay immediately looked up and into his eyes)

Zac: Whatever it is you can tell me I'm all ears

Tay: Please promise to not get mad and run off or judge me

Zac: I promise

Tay: I didn't go to a music chat I've never gone to one

Zac: Then where have you been going??

Tay: It's an LGBT group hangout

Zac: Ohhh okay...

Tay: Zac?

Zac: Yea?

Tay: I.. I'm gay and I have a boyfriend at least I think he's my boyfriend

(Tay said as Zac went wide eyed at what he just heard he looked at Taylor starting to cry a little and after processing what his brother said he pulled him close and hugged him very tightly before pulling Tay back enough to look him in the eyes and wipe his tears)

Zac: I'm very proud of you Taylor that's never an easy thing to say and I'm glad you were strong enough to say it to me

Tay: Please don't tell anyone else they don't know yet

Zac: I promise

(Zac said smiling and grabbing Tay's hand and went to go work in the studio with Isaac)

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