Part 3- Teddy

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I was walking on the hallway when Kanato-san suddenly appeared with a blink of an eye (as usual). Huh? His creepy teddy bear is not with him...

"Ne, Mayumi-chan... Have you seen teddy?" He sobbed

"No.. Why? What happened?" I ask

"I just go to the kitchen to find some sweets but then teddy is not with me anymore" *sob*

"Hey, everything's going to be fine, I'll help you find it" I smiled

"Really? Thank you Mayumi-chan"

Good, he stopped crying.

Where could that teddy bear be? I mean, it's a teddy bear, it's not like it will stand up and runaway by itself... Right? This is getting creepier.

~ouch! My back hurts! It's almost midnight but still no sign with that teddy bear.

"Umm... Kanato-san, it's been hours but still no sign with your teddy.. Do you mind taking a break?" I ask calmly

"NO!! We need to find teddy no matter what! It's your plan after all.."

"M-my plan?"

"Your the one who told me that you'll help me find it right?! So why are you backing up?!" He shouted angrily

"Kanato-san, i'm not backing up.. I just want to rest because i'm too tired"

""To tired" you say? Tired?!.." He started to cry

"Stop crying.." I embraced him..

"I'm very sorry we can't find your precious teddy, but I promise you tomorrow that we'll find teddy ok?" I asked



"I don't want to wait.."

"But what will we do?"

"You'll be my teddy for tonight" he smiled creepily

"What? I'm not sure about this Kanato-san..."

"Why? You're not gonna help me with my problem?" *sob*

"Ok, ok.. I'll be your teddy just stop crying ok?"

"Hai, teddy"

Damn this is going to be the worst! We went to his room..

Kanato-san just jumped on his bed while I remain standing and silent.

"Teddy, you're not going to join me?"

"I-i have to share bed with you?"

"Yes... Is there any a problem?"

"N-no, no, there isn't Kanato-san.."

I get on the bed where Kanato-san is beside me while staring at me creepily.

He suddenly hugged me fell asleep... What? So I will remain like this? Nope... What should I do? I want to rest to!

"Then sleep" he whispered

What? O_o did he just read my mind while he is sleeping? Creepy..

Without noticing i fell asleep as well.

~huh? I'm in my room... Guess it's only a dream.

I change and go to the kitchen to eat breakfast. But.. Huh? Teddy is.. Infront of my room when I opened the door. It was also damaged on it's head.. Maybe I'll just find some needle and thread and fix this teddy bear up!

~there! I finished it! Teddy sure is cute.. I embrace the teddy bear while smiling when Kanato-san came.



"Stop hugging him like somebody i'm familiar with!"


"Right.. I had forgotten" he laughed creepily

He grabbed his teddy bear and ran away..

"Somebody familiar with" huh? I wonder who... Well, all this stuffs really made me even hungrier!

~ I went to the kitchen to find something to eat.. Eh?! Teddy! What's this thing doing here?! Kanato-san is going to kill me! Better get out of here.

I go to my bedroom as qiuck as I can.. Wew! I sat down on my bed and decide to eat breakfast there.. Damn, Kanato-san is infront of me! Without his teddy!!

"H-how could I help you Kanato-san?"

"How you ask? I want you to be my teddy"

"Huh? Wel.. I saw your teddy in the kitchen, want me to get it for you?"

"Why? I left him there"

"You did? Why?"

"Because your better"..

"B-better? I'm sure teddy will be mad if he knew that" I said

"Hmph.. Don't worry" he said creepily

"W-what do you mean? He's your original teddy after all right? You know what, I'm going to get him right away and give it to you" I said

"You don't have to.. And you can't"

"What do you mean by.. I can't?"

He smiled creepily

"I locked him up so he can't get out.. And nobody can save him but me"

This vampire!!

"I-I'll save him.." I said

"Save him?" Kanato-san asked and laughed
"Why?" I asked

"Haha.. I'm the only one who can save him.. ONLY ME!!" He then became angry

"C-calm down ok? *sigh* I don't care if I succeed or not.. The importance is I tried"

Kanato-san just laughed again

"Haha! That's really pathetic May-chan!! Pathetic! Haha!" He said

"P.. Pathetic.." I whispered

Kanato-san suddenly hugged me..

"Oh teddy.." He said

"W-what are you doing?" I said

"I'm going to get him for you ok?" He said

"O-okay then.."

Then he disappeared for awhile

"May-chan, teddy is here now.. Here" He hand me over his teddy bear

"Why are handing me over your teddy?" I asked

"You want it right?"

"I only want it for you"

"... But you're my teddy"

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