Part 4- Truth

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Mayumi's POV
I just realized that my brothers are vampire.. But i'm not

"Thinking something? Bitch-chan ;)"

"Oh it's you, i just want to ask something.."

"What is it bitch-chan~"

"... Will you stop calling me like that?"

That was unexpected

"Like what, bitch-chan?" He asked innocently

"Like bitch-chan, you can call me May you know? You're just like Ayato-san.."


"Never mind" I sighed

I decided to take some fresh air just infront of the mansion, and there i saw Reiji-san.

"Ah, Konnichiwa (hello) Reiji-san"

He just looked away..

I wonder if he hates me..

I just stayed where I was and watch Reiji-san vanished.. Huh? I noticed someone inside the mansion looking this way (he's looking through the window). And suddenly, it vanished as well.. Does everyone here really hates me that bad?

After some few minutes I head back to the mansion to eat lunch with my brothers..

Subaru's POV
What does that crazy human girl doing with Reiji? Tch..

Mayumi's POV
Are they always like this? They really don't communicate with each other huh? Or maybe it's a vampire thing..

"Eh? What are you thinking over there? Bitch-chan" Laito asked



He stands up and vanished..

"I want to know it"

Ah! I felt someone whispered.. --,-- It's just Laito-san..

Wait, where did Reiji-san went? He just.. Vanished.. Ah! What the.. Laito-san just licked my ear

"Laito-san, stop it"

"Tch! This is an annoyance!" Subaru yelled as he Vanished.

"Keep it down" Shuu-san said lazily

"How many times do I have to tell you? She's mine ok?! And what's mine is mine!" Said Ayato-san

"But.. She's my teddy.." Kanato-san added

O_o i'm outta here. I stand up and go to my room..

"Leaving? Bitch-chan?"

Laito-san told me when i'm about to go out of the room..

"Yeah, I want you here you know" said Kanato-san

"I-im not actually hungry at all" I said

"Hmph! Just let that baka be!"

"Stop calling me like that!" I said

"Baka! Baka! Baka!" Teased Ayato-san

Hmph! I won't let my time be wasted just because i'm arguing with my "brother".

I go to my bed and think if they even treat me like a sister or not.. Especially Reiji-san, he's always cold to me that he don't even wants to see my face. And I thought he's the one that will protect me at first! *sigh* turns out, he's not..

~night falls.. Well, I better get ready for school or else they might be mad at me.

We arrived at school at the exact time were suppose to arrive. I hope nothing bad will happened again with me and Subaru-san..

~we both go to our class and have our seat.. I just remembered something I realized a while ago.. So I decided to ask Subaru-kun about it

"Umm.. Subaru-kun, is it ok if I asked you something?"

"What is it?"

"I'm just wondering, how is it possible to you to be a vampire while i'm not, I mean, we're siblings right?"

"Hmph! Why won't you ask Reiji about that"

"I have a feeling he doesn't want me to.."

".. Why?"

"He never talked to me ever since he knew i'm his sister.."

Subaru's POV
Mayumi just asked me something that i'm sure she don't want to know the answer.. But since she already asked me I answered her that I don't know..

"Is that so, thanks Subaru-san" she said sweetly

~after class

We head back home and decide to tell Shuu that Mayumi wanted to know the truth..

"Oi, Shuu"

"Keep it down.."

"This is about Mayumi"

He opened his one eye and took off his earphones

"What's the problem?"

"Mayumi asked me why isn't she a vampire and I answered her why won't she ask Reiji and told me that he won't  even talked to her.."


"I should tell her the truth"

"I t-"

I vanished immediately before Shuu finished his sentence..

I arrived at Mayumi's room where she's there.

"S-subaru-kun! How may I help you?"

"There's something you need to know"

May's POV
I was just about to take a bath when Subaru-kun suddenly appeared.

"There's something you need to know.."

"Huh? What is it?"

He seemed to be serious

"You see.. Your mother and Reiji didn't actually came up with a good motherhood,
Beatrix, your mother, was killed.. By Reiji"

What.. WHAT?! My heart suddenly stoped beating for a second after hearing that.. No, why would he kill our own mother... No.. *sob*

Subaru-kun vanished.. But, how could Reiji do that? No.. Shuu-san suddenly appeared and hugged me.

"Shh, stop crying"

I buried my face into his chest and fell asleep..

Shuu's POV
I go to May's room to see if Subaru already told her..

I saw May crying that her eyes could nearly pop out.. I decided to hug her so that she could feel better..

She just buried herself into my chest that cause my shirt got wet, but this isn't the time to complain.. *sigh* she fell asleep, I lay her down on her bed...

May's POV
Hm.. I woke up and remembered what Subaru-kun had told me..

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