Part 12

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May's POV
I headed back to my class after what happened in the cafeteria, I already can feel Reiji's fangs going deep in my neck..

*sigh* I don't want to go home.. I'm hell sure Reiji will kill me. I stayed in the school a little longer until they left.

Good, they're gone. I walked down to the hallway being cautious.. What's that? It's like someone's here...

"Ah!" I shouted, a guy suddenly appeared before me. I have to admit, he's somehow familiar.

He looked at my eyes without showing any expression.

"Do.. I know you?" I asked

"I believe yes," he said and disappeared

What was that..? Oh god, was that.. Ruki?! The-the guy from my dream..

"Oi Baka!" Ayato shouted


"Everyone's home now, what were you doing here?" He asked

"It's all your fault!" I said

It actually is anyway, he's the reason I jumped from the window and met Yuma.

"My fault? Watch the tone to yours truly, Baka!" He shouted and pulled me until we reached the outside of the school.

Silence, only few people are around since its nearly midnight.

"You know, Reiji's pretty mad. Something happened?" He said while holding my hand, walking towards the mansion.

"Like what I said, its all your fault," I said and pulled my hand away from his.

"I never liked that attitude of yours.." He said starring at me and held me tight, and with a blink of an eye, we're at the park.

I looked at him confusedly, "What are we doing here?"

He pushed me to the tree and leaned over, "Baka, why's that whenever I suck your blood, you don't die?" He asked sadistically.

"What are you talking about?! Get off me!" I yelled and pushed him followed by a run.

I ran as fast as I could, why? Why are they trying to kill me?! I heard footsteps, running as well, I can hear it's breathing. Like its saying my name..

Wha.. Its, the Sakamaki's mansion.

"You don't get it, do you?" A voice asked, "You can never run away from your destiny"

I turned around with a horror in my eyes as I see Ayato covered with blood.. What the..? I looked closely and, it's his blood!

I ran towards him and helped him get up, "What on earth happened?" I asked

"Shh.." He whispered and get on top of me, he licked my neck and sucked my blood.

"Agh!" He's sucking too much.. I tried to push him but I'm feeling to weak..


I slowly opened my eyes, I'm at my room. I get up, I'm still feeling a bit weak, but feeling better.

I remember Ayato sucking my blood to death.. And covered in his own blood.

"So you're awake," a voice said.

"Reiji.." Shit! I nearly forgot about my punishment.. I think what happened last night was already a punishment..

"I see you're trying to avoid me," he said, approaching me, "Ayato told me,"


"So it is indeed his fault," he continued and I remained silent.

"So tell me, are you continuing this interaction with the Mukamis?" He asked

"I-I'll try to stop.." I said nervously.

"Try? You don't know how dangerous the Maukamis are,"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"They're like dogs, they do whatever their master tell them,"

"Master? You mean Ruki?"

He looked at me angrily, "how did you know him?"

"L-.. Last night, at school," I answered

"*sigh* It isn't Ruki, and don't ask because you won't understand," he said leaving.

I wonder why do the Sakamakis and Mukamis hate each other?

??? POV
"Soon.. Soon... You'll die.."

May's POV
I decided to go to the garden and admire the flowers. Wonderful scent it is.

"Kanato.. H-hey," I greeted, he just suddenly appeared I shocked a little bit.

"Are you scared?" He asked

"What? Of course not," I answered

"How come you never get scared of us?" He asked tightening his teddy

"Sometimes.. Sometimes you people scare me,"


"But.. I don't know, it doesn't matter anymore,"

"Masochist.." He whispered

"Huh?" I asked, "what was that?"

"Masochist! That's what you are!" He shouted

"That's not true!"

"But you said it yourself, it doesn't matter anymore if we keep on sucking your blood!"

"That's not what I meant! You're my brothers, we're a family.."

"Family.. Hah! Do you really think we're a family?"

"Why.. Not?"

"You think family should treat you like this?!" He pushed me down, "it doesn't matter anyway.."

He go on top of me looking through my eyes sadistically, "worthless.. Prey.." He said then sucked my blood.

I'm still feeling a bit weak so even though I tried to push him, it didn't make any difference..

"Your blood sure is sweet.."

"Kanato.. Please, stop,"

"Why would I? Its not like I can find someone who has a blood as sweet as yours, right, teddy?" He said looking at his teddy placed beside us.

"Then at least understand my situation! Every single day here with you vampires.."

He slapped me hard my cheek began to bleed.

"Heh.. Look at yourself, your blood is the only thing that matters," he said picking my face up and licking my bleeding cheek, "sweet indeed"

He suddenly stopped and let go of me, thank god.

"She's here.." He whispered hugging his teddy.

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