Part 10

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May's POV
"May, do you mind calling Subaru? Dinner's about to start," Reiji requested.

I nod my head and go toward his room, I kneeled down for his coffin (or should I say bed) is on the ground, literally.

"Subaru, dinner's about to start!" I shouted. No response.

I go down to tell everybody that his not responding.

"What a disappointment.." Reiji sighed and looked at me. He grabbed a knife and pointed it on my head.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked nervously, I can't move my whole body.

He threw the knife, I closed my eyes tightly.. No pain.

I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Reiji smirking at me, "Pathetic.." I felt a little pain at my ear, I touched my ear and, it's.. Bleeding!

"Hmm.. How unpleasant, waking me up with the scent of your blood," Subaru appeared.

"S-Subaru.. So you woke up.."

"Idiot.." He said and took a seat.

After dinner, and everybody gone but Subaru and I, "Wha-what?" I asked, his starring at me weirdly since the dinner started.

"I'm still hungry you know?" He smiled.

I stood up and leave, but before I can, I felt his presence behind my back and attacked me.

"I said, I'm still hungry" he whispered and sniffed my neck, the moment I knew it, I can already feel my legs going weak.

"Tch, what a troublesome," he said picking me up. We arrived at my room and just dropped me hard on my bed, fortunately. He jumped on top of me held my arms up, "so weak" he whispered then bit me.

"Agh.. Stop!" I yelled with the rest of my voice.

"Shut up.." He replied.

Morning, I'm still feeling weak. Subaru did suck a lot last night. I go to the kitchen and have breakfast, nobody's here.. Silence, oh how I missed silence.

"May.." A voice called. What now?

"Kanato, good morning," I greeted

He didn't respond and get some sweets in the refrigerator.

"So you really like sweet foods?" I asked to start a conversation.

"Why should you care?" He asked

I remained silent for I think he's having a bad morning.. I wonder what happened?

And as usual I go out to the garden and sat on a bench. The roses look good today, it's funny how people love them and give them to their love ones, including the thorns that will make them feel the pain once they touch it. Love it is.

"What are you thinking?" A very familiar voice asked.

"Why should you care?" I said smiling, repeating what Kanato told me this morning.

"What are you smiling about? Baka!" Ayato teased.

"I just want to ask, did something happen this morning?" I asked

"A lot happen every second, you wouldn't understand, you're an airhead remember?"

"Am not," I said irritatedly.

"Yeah right," he said sarcastically and smiled.

He seems in a good mood today, what on earth did I miss?

Subaru's POV
~Before May woke up

Tch! His presence disgust me! I go to the living room where everybody else are, instead of her of course, her blood is just so.. Addictively delicious.

"So, we're having another visitor," Karlheinz said.

"Another visitor? Who?" Reiji asked.

"Zyrina.." He said.

I remember her, she's the daughter of Nixon, Karlheinz' friend. They used to be here and talk about business while Zyrina's always with Ayato, the two of them have their own world.

As long as I'm concerned, Nixon died due to a car crash people think an "accident" but my brothers and I know it's not..

May's POV
"A visitor?" I clarified. For now, we're in the living room.

"Annoying.." Shuu whispered

"Who?" I pouted

"Zyrina, an old friend," he replied

'Friend'? I never thought of these people having a friend, I giggled.

"What?" Shuu asked.

"Nothing, nothing.." I said holding my laughter.

He appeared on top of me starring seriously.

I looked at him as well, with an afraid look, "get off!" I shouted. I'm scared that he'll suck my blood as well.

He smirked, "Just a taste.."

I felt his fangs going deeply inside my neck.. It hurts, but, unlike Subaru or Ayato, the way Shuu sucks my blood doesn't hurt that much.

"S-stop.." I begged

He pulled himself, "Strong indeed.." He whispered and disappeared.

~night time
I really can't take Zyrina out of my head! Maybe I'm just excited, since I'm the only girl around. I can't wait to meet her..

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