Part 18- Tale

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May's POV
I entered the door and noticed myself in the mansion, perfectly fine. I walked to the hallway and noticed some blood.

"What..?" I followed the blood and heard a man's voice, in pain.

Then I saw Zyrina, sucking Ayato's blood.

Isn't this... The..

Zyrina suddenly stopped sucking and faced me. God she's terrifying.

"Now, I'll ask you gain. Why won't you join me?" She repeated. This is the exact same thing in my dream!!

"You.. What are you?!" I yelled

"Ohh.. I do not like that tone of voice," she said

"I don't care! Just let us be!"

"Let you be?" She laughed, "You have no idea what you're talking about, let me tell you a tale." Everything suddenly  changed, Zyrina and I suddenly are in the living room, me sitting, and she sipping her cup of tea.

"Back in the past, my father and Karlheinz will do business and stuffs. Every time we visit this mansion, I always got to play with your "brothers". My father on the other hand, will always talk to Beatrix," she said.

Why would he talk to my mother?

"Well, she's a heartless bitch who doesn't care about her children anyways," she continued

"That's not true," I said

"Sh sh shh. I hate being interrupted. You do that again, or I'll cut your head off," she threatened.

This woman is psycho.

"So, obviously, my father loved your mother very much. But since Karlheinz is her husband, what could my father do? My father slowly lost his love to my mother and gave it all to Beatrix. Your mother didn't seem to care at all! Seems like Beatrix I pretty loyal to her husband. Karlheinz discovered my father's feelings towards your mother," she continued, "so he told your brothers to kill my father, Nixon!!"

Shocked, I tried my best to keep a straight face. But what? I have no idea of what happened in the past.

"I.. Have no idea.." I said

"Really now? Are you gonna say sorry or something? Because that's not gonna work!! For a long time, I've waited to kill the Sakamakis, especially Shu, Reiji and you," she stood up and slowly approached me. Her eyes are glowing red.

"Are you going to close your eyes tight as possible, and hope this will all go away?! Pathetic!" She said and pulled out a long sword.
She slashed my left arm. I shouted in pain and held my arm.

"Looking at you right now, suffering, makes me feel alive!" She cut my other arm.

"STOP!" I yelled. God's sake it hurts!

"Stop? Did one of your brothers said that when they were about to kill Nixon?!" She cut my stomach.

I fell, my whole body is covered in blood.

"You know Mayumi, after all those years, my father's research about illusions are all worth it," she said, "but if you think the pain that your feeling right now is as well as an illusion.. Hah! What a trash you are"

"Everything that you feel is what you feel in real life!!" She cut my legs.

"You know what? You're beyond lucky, because even though your brothers are the ones who killed my father, we still ha time together. We played a lot you know? I learned to love them," she said, "but since I don't know you.."

She looked at me sadistically, "I WILL KILL YOU FIRST-.."

She was about to stab me in to my heart, but her chest suddenly bled.

"Ugh.." Blood came out from her mouth and her glowing, red eyes were gone.

She fell on the ground, my head hurts!! It's like my brain is being torn off. Then everything became pitch black.

I found myself all chained up in some dark, under, water passage place. Zyrina, drenched in her own blood with Ayato behind her. Ayato's left foot was all chained up, he was holding a piece of metal full of blood.

"May.. Are you okay?" He pat my cheeks and shaking me at the same time.

"I.. I'm fine.." Blood suddenly came out from my mouth, my whole body is drenched my own blood.

"Hey.. Everything's fine now," Ayato said. Is he.. Comforting me?
I'm feeling weak.. I feel like any second I'll be unconscious. Then I heard running. Everything's so blurry, I think I saw people running toward Ayato and I.

I woke up on my bed, still feeling weak. My arms, stomach and legs are still in pain, Zyrina's cuts sure are deep.

"So, you've finally woken up," Laito said, sitting on the chair, smiling.

"Yeah.." I nodded.

"I was so worried about you bitch-chan," Laito said with a long face, "did you know how scared I was when I saw you having fun activities with my other brothers on bed when Zyrina played my mind?"

"Zyrina.. Played your mind?" So I wasn't the only one who she toyed with huh?

"Wait.. On bed you say?" I blushed

"You're just so cute.." Laito chuckled and kissed my lips. "Well, see you" he winked then disappeared.

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