Part 15

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Kanato's POV

*knock* "What is it!" Such bothersome, I'm talking to Teddy!

Zyrina opened the door, "why hello Kanato!" She greeted with her usual fake smile.

"Get out," I pointed the stupid unlocked door.

"But I just got here, let's play!" She said and tried to get her dirty hand on teddy.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I pushed her away.

"I said, let's play!" She said with her true, filthy tone of voice.

She grabbed my teddy with her trashy hands, "you think this teddy loves you?!"

"Stop!!" I tried to get teddy.

"Moron, using your vampire skills won't help if you're doing it with another vampire," Zyrina smirked

"Give me teddy!!"

"Puh-lease! Are you really that loner that you love this stupid teddy so bad?" She said and ripped teddy's neck, "that's what you get from not playing with me" she left.

May's POV
I woke up seeing Kanato hugging me, his face is like, seriously in front of me. His nose is touching mine, Kanato is pretty sweet and pretty sadistic, pretty cute.

I tried to get his arms off me but he hugged me tight. "Don't leave," he whispered.

After a couple of minutes, I felt his tongue licking my neck and bit me. Good morning hell.

"Kanato.. Stop," I said.

He starred at me for seconds and felt his lips pressing against mine. He then pulled back and stretched, "good morning, teddy,"

Teddy, of course. "Good morning," I sighed. Sick vampire.

I got up and go to the kitchen, leaving Kanato in his room. "So, May.." Zyrina called.

"Good morning," I greeted.

"What do you think of your brothers?" She asked.

Where will I start?

"I don't know.." I sighed

"I know right? Vampires.." She said, "May?"


"Are you a vampire?" She asked

"Kinda.. My mother is," I answered


Zyrina's with us, well, with Ayato.

"You like him don't you?" A voice asked behind me.

"What? No!" I answered Yuma.

"Yeah right," he teased.

"His my brother ok?"

"Technically no. Since the two of you aren't blood related at all," he said

"Whatever.. Wait, how did you know?"

"I have my research,"

"Stalker.." I laughed a bit.

"Idiot.." He giggled.

Someone pulled me away from Yuma, Shu. They stared for a bit like they're killing each other inside their brains.

Break, "May!" Zyrina called entering the classroom. "Hey," I greeted.

We talked for a while. "I can't help but notice, that guy is starring at you," Zyrina said looking behind me.

I turned around and, Yuma. "I gotta go, have fun with your man," she said and walked away.

Yuma approached me, "a friend of yours?"

"None of your business," I said

I looked around and noticed that Yuma and I are alone for the students are in the cafeteria.

"Finally.." He said and leaned over me.

"Wh-what?" His face is so close to mine, like his going to kiss me.

He smirked, "your blushing"

I covered my face but he grabbed my hands, he whispered something I didn't understand.

He attempted to bite my neck but I managed to push him away and get the hell out.

"That was close.." I whispered to myself.

"Indeed" a voice responded from behind. I turned around and saw Zyrina, "I heard a vampire's blood is pretty addictive compared to a human's blood.."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"But a half human and half vampire? That's really.. Rare," Zyrina said sadistically and slowly walked towards me.


I ran as fast as I can, and whenever I look behind me, she's always there.

I feel like I'm in a loop, I feel like I've been running for like, about an hour.. Same hallway, same ceiling, same tiles. I don't know what's happening, my whole body is feeling weak, like there's no way out. The only option you have is.. Giving up.

So I did, I stopped and fell. I saw Zyrina's eyes, soulless. She grabbed my neck and smelled it, "are you feeling a little bit homo?" She chuckled.

"So you're saying that I can't?!" A voice of a girl having an argument woke me up.

"You're a clever girl, I wonder why you're doing this to yourself?" A voice said, I think the voice was from Reiji.

I slowly opened my eyes, everybody was in silence.

"See? She's fine!" Zyrina pointed me.

I looked around and saw everybody in the living room, I on the other hand is lying on the couch. I can't move. It's like something real heavy object is on me, but nothing.

"This will never happen again," Ayato said looking at Zyrina and disappeared.

I didn't speak, I thought Zyrina was my friend. I thought I can trust her. I thought she's different from the others. But she only wants my blood as well as my brothers and the Mukami's.

Everybody disappeared as well but Zyrina and Reiji, he slowly walked away, and Zyrina stayed..

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