Part 13- Zyrina

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Ayato's POV
"So she's here?" I said to myself eating takoyaki. Her scent brings back memories, I wonder if she still has it..

May's POV
"Who..?" I asked

"That girl.." Kanato whispered and disappeared

Who..? Oh! Its probably the visitor they're talking about, Zyrina! I'm so excited, I wonder what she's like?

Reiji's POV
"Zyrina..." I said in front of her, "long time no see"

"Reiji," she nodded, "cold as always"

"If you don't mind, what's the reason again why you're here?" I questioned

"Well, its been a long time. And, I heard there's a girl," she answered, "its a pain for me thinking a girl staying with you vampires"

"You don't have to mind her," I said walking to the living room

"I don't have to? Why? She's like the 75% reason I'm here, be thankful," she said

"Zyrina, just leave her be,"

She looked at me confusedly, "what..? Are you.. Concern?"

"For some other things? Yes," I answered

"This is going to be fun," she said smiling.

May's POV
I immediately go to the living room where Reiji told me I'm going to meet her.

"Oh.. Good afternoon," she greeted.

She has a reddish-brown hair, ponytailed, a rose clipped beside it, dazzling brown eyes, white blouse and a matching white skirt. She's gorgeous.

"You must be Meyla," she continued

"Good afternoon, I'm actually Mayumi.." I corrected, God she's beautiful.

"My bad, I'm not actually good in memorizing names," she apologized, "well then, I'm Zyrina Hayunzaki, please to meet you"

"Please to meet you too," I said cheerfully.

The butler took her baggages and brought us some tea, Reiji left for he has some "business" to deal with.

"So, you're a Sakamaki?" She asked

"I guess.."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, it's just.. A whole new world (I mean hell), maybe I'm not just used to it" I answered

"So I presume you're already familiar with them..?"

"Yeah, we spend some time together. How about you? They told me you're a fiend of them," I asked curiously

"Well, your brothers and I were pretty close back in the days. But my father and I had to move.." She said looking down.

"Good thing you're back," I said


After some hours of talking and at the same time awkwardness, its time for dinner.

Hmm.. The food seems to be normal, isn't it rude for our visitor?

"What seems to be the trouble?" Reiji asked

"Nothing.." I answered straightening my face.

Zyrina finally entered and had a seat, "I missed this"

"Only the food?" A voice asked, we turned around.

"Ayato!" Zyrina shouted running towards him.

"Easy now.." Ayato said patting her head.

"I missed you so muuuch!" She snuggled

Ayato just smiled and let go of her. Wow, its the first time I saw him smiling, warmly, the two of them sure are close.

"Hello there Kanato," Zyrina greeted, "how's teddy doing?"

Kanato looked at her and held his teddy tightly, "hmph!" He looked away.

"Why, welcome back!" Laito greeted.

Zyrina smiled. Wow, its like they're a real family with Zyrina, everyone seems to be happy, except for Kanato, I don't know what's with them.

"Quite down.." Shu whispered.

"Cold as ever," Zyrina replied

Subaru took a seat beside me.

"Hello Subaru, long time no see," Zyrina greeted.

He just nodded and say nothing, I guess the two of them aren't close..

We started dinner talking about their histories. After that, I go to my room.

That sure was fun! I noticed Laito starring at Zyrina smiling, I think he likes her.

Kanato seems to hate her, Shu doesn't care, so as Subaru, Reiji was just listening, but Ayato.. He was really having fun talking to Zyrina.

*yawn* I stood up and get dressed. I was planning to go outside and feel the fresh air in the morning. While walking to the hallway, I noticed some blood on the floor.

"What..?" I followed the blood and heard a man's voice, in pain. It was Zyrina.. Sucking Ayato's blood! What is happening?

I quickly ran and pulled Zyrina away from Ayato, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Eh? Why won't you join me?" She offered.

"Wha..? No way! What you're doing is wrong!" I said blocking Ayato behind me.

"But they do it all the time to you, am I right?" She pointed out

"Even though.. Revenge won't do anything!"

Ayato stood up and go to Zyrina, "Just leave us alone, Baka.." He whispered weakly.

"But you're.. You're in pain," I said worriedly.

"Can't you see it? Ayato wants to be with me! Me! And he'll always be mine! AHAHAHAHA!" Zyrina laughed.

"No!" I found myself panting on my bed, just a dream. That was scary.. Too scary.

I go to the kitchen to have breakfast.

"Good morning, bitch-chan~" Laito greeted

"Stop calling me like that, how many times do I have to say that?" I sighed

"What a kill joy," Laito replied

I looked around, "where's Zyrina?"

"She's still in bed," Ayato answered entering

"Oh.. G-good morning, Ayato," I greeted


*sigh* I remember the dream I had, God that was scary..

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