Part 14

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May's POV

I jut can't take that dream off my head, pfft! Like Zyrina is a vampire.. Wait, what the? Oh my.. I mean, if she's a human, why wouldn't they suck her blood? Argh!

"Stop comparing yourself to her," I mumbled. *sigh* I took a walk outside.

"May-chaaaan!" Someone called.

"Kou, hey.." I waved my hand

"Follow me!" He ran

"Wait!" I shouted and he stopped.

He looked at me confusedly, "What's wrong?"

"I.. We shouldn't beta liking anymore. I mean, we shouldn't see each other.." I said

"Wha..? Does May hate me now?" He asked

"That's not it! Umm.. If-if you can tell me why.." I stuttered. I was about to ask him why do my brothers hate the Mukamis.

"What is it?"

"Why is that, my brothers hate you Mukamis so much?" I asked. He shouldn't be offended anymore, I mean, its obvious that my brothers hate them.

"Hmm.. Beats me! Now c'mon!" He grabbed my hand and ran.

"Woah! Slow down a bit!" A said but he didn't listen.

"Here we are!" Kou said.

"Where.. Are we?" I asked catching my breath.

I looked around and.. A mansion? I'm somehow feeling a Deja Vu.

"Let's go!" He said and once again grabbed my hand.

We entered the mansion, this looks like the mansion in my dream! I wonder if the others are here just like in my dream?

"Oh! Hey there airhead!" Yuma "greeted"

"It's Mayumi okay?" I said

"Leave her be, we're gonna do something!" Kou said, "c'mon May!"

We arrived at a bedroom, "Tadaa!" Kou said showing me a bouquet of roses.

"Are.. Those for me?"

"Of course!" He answered smiling

"Th-thank you.." I said accepting

"Now, may I suck your.. Blood?" He asked sadistically


"I asked, may I su-"

"I heard you.." I cut his sentence

"So you did," he whispered and attempted to bite my neck.

"No!" I yelled and pushed him away from me.

"What's your problem?!" He said getting up, "I gave you those roses! Don't you like them?!"

"Of course I like them!"

"Then why won't you let me suck your blood?!"

"What?" I looked at the roses Kou gave me, "you know? If giving me this means letting you suck my blood, no thanks," I said handing him over the flowers.

He grabbed the flowers and threw them on the ground, stomping on them as hard as he can.

"Wha-what are you doing?!"

"Its mine anyways right? So I can do whatever I want!" He answered then looked at me, "and as for you.."

In a blink of an eye, Kou is on top of me! I tried to push him away but he's just too strong.

"You're mine.." He whispered then bite my neck.

"Noo!" I yelled then pushed him hard he hit the wall.

Was.. That me?

I ran as fast as I could until I saw myself outside the mansion, panting.

"Huh.. So you made it out alive?" A voice asked.

I slowly turned around as I was still scared, "Yu-Yuma.."

"That's not suppose to happen, you know?" He told me approaching.

"Leave me alone!" I ran but he caught my arm.

"You sure are an idiot, tying to run away from me.." Pulled me close and.. Kissed me!? I pushed me away enough for him to

I ran and ran and realized, I'm "home"..

.. Huh? Oh, I'm in my bedroom, sweet mother of god, thank you. I get up weakly, my legs still hurt from all that running.

"Oi!" A voice called

I turned around, "Hey, Ayato"

"Baka! Don't you think its rude to leave your visitor?" He said

"I-I'm sorry.." If they knew where I was, I'm dead.

"Hmph! You're lucky I was the one who put you here," he said

"What do you mean?"

"Well, baka, if that was Reiji, he could've knew where you were!"

Oh shit

"So I'm not gonna tell him.." He said then appeared on top of me, "I'm just gonna give you some punishment you deserve"

He licked my neck then bite it, painful as ever. I tried to get away but I'm still feeling weak. He grabbed my arms, pushed them down and squeezed them tightly that I can't feel them anymore.

"That's for being rude towards our visitor.." He whispered then left.

I'm still on bed, feeling worse, physically and emotionally.. I don't know why! Why's he like that to Zyrina? Were they really that close back then?

*sigh* I just have to get some rest, regain my energy.

After some few hours I got up and go to the living room.

"May! I was so worried about you, where were you?" Zyrina asked worriedly, hugging me.

"I'm sorry.. I was just walking around the city.." I answered, God May, how can you be jealous to this sweet lady? I'm the worst.

"Well, you're here now, everything's good.. Everything's fine," she said letting go off me.

"So, dinner's ready, let's go!" She said grabbing my hand and ran.

We sat down and eat.. Kanato isn't here..

After eating, I go to Kanato's room and knock, no response. I knocked again, "What is it this time?!" He asked.

"I-it's just me!.. Just me.." I said and he opened the door, crying and then hugged me.

"Wh-what's wrong?" I asked.

"Teddy.. Teddy hates me!" He sobbed.

"What? No! Teddy loves you, teddy is always there for you, right?" I said calming him down.

"May.." He whispered.

"Huh?" I asked. He pulled me to his room and pushed me on his bed.

"I don't want you to hate me too!" He said.

I sat down, "Of course I don't hate you, I won't hate you.."

He sat down as well beside me and started to lay down and hugged me down. *sigh* I guess I'm his teddy for now...

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