Part 16- The Doors

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Zyrina's POV
How I love to rip her starring, filthy eyes right now.

"I ought to say, your blood tasted like heaven," I said

"Why are you doing this.." It mumbled

"Me? Why are YOU doing this?"

May's POV
Obviously, she's mad. I as well am mad, and at the same time, tired.

The candles' fire died, darkness. But I can see Zyrina's glowing eyes full of hatred and jealousy. Her eyes aren't brown anymore, it's more like red. "You're going to regret being Beatrix's daughter!!" She shouted

I saw myself lying, on the ground, I think. I can't see anything, only pitch black darkness. I got myself up, I'm not feeling so weak anymore...

6 doors suddenly showed up so bright, it's like the doors are encircling me. I opened the middle one and saw a very bright light...

I saw myself at the garden full of white roses, standing in front of Subaru, holding the knife full of blood, my blood. It was me who he killed. His face is full of anger and hatred, but somehow satisfaction, seeing me dead.

I silently backed out, that was.. Beyond horrifying. That was Subaru, that was my brother. He enjoyed seeing me dead.

After backing out, I ran. I ran as fast as I could, having one thought in my mind I don't want to die.

I suddenly stopped, realizing that there's no end in this garden, full of white, innocent roses. I heard someone walking, every step, it gets louder and louder. I was too scared to look back so I ran again. I don't care if there's no escape, I don't want to die.

I didn't know how long I've been running, but I still hear the steps, I felt my whole body giving up, then I heard a voice, "You're going to die anyways"

That was the moment I stopped running, maybe I was never supposed to go this far. Maybe I only am a prey. I felt my knees gave up and fell on the ground. I saw a silhouette of a man, he came closer, I felt his breath, I felt his arms wrapping around me. Then he spoke, "I'm going to kill you.. Mayumi.."

"NOOO!!" I shouted, closing my eyes tight as possible. I felt his arms slowly getting off of me. I suddenly heard nothing. I opened my eyes slowly, I was shaking, I was going to die. Then I found myself in a strange room, full of mannequins, in the same position.

"Aren't they beautiful, huh, Teddy?" A voice asked. It was Kanato, looking at a manneq-..Me.. It was me he's looking at. My soulless self, I look emotionless in the mannequin, I look.. Lifeless. I felt, wet.. And sticky?

That was the moment I realized, I'm full of blood, my blood. My whole body was bleeding. Is it because of Subaru's stabs? My eyes are wide open looking at my hands, shaking. Am I perhaps dead? Are these all illusions before I pass out? Or are these just warnings? Warning of what might happen to me.

I feel like I'm in hell. I feel like death will always be there. There is no escape, death will always be there, death will always be waiting.

"Mayumi.." Kanato spoke, "only if you've been a good teddy, I wouldn't be staring at you. Admiring how good you look when.. You're dead.."

I froze, everything is horrifying. Hearing those words, it made me feel like, everything is better if I'm dead. How could these people enjoy, killing me? How could someone enjoy killing somebody? How could they do that?

I suddenly felt something, then I looked at Kanato. He slowly rotates his head, facing towards me. My bloody self didn't move. "You can't escape" A voice whispered. Everything became red.. Slowly, it became pitch black.

It was dark, once again. I was alone, once again. The doors were back, there were only 4 doors this time. I then entered another door, Let's get this over with.

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