🖤💖(TREASURE)Support - Haruto X Jaehyuk

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(This was my own idea)


If you are unfamiliar with this drama, (1) you should go watch it lol but (2) they're all in the same grade in this universe so honorifics aren't used.

TRIGGER WARNING: Bullying, mentions of death

"You're disgusting, how could you show your face in this classroom?" Junghwan's tone was venomous as he stared at Haruto, nothing but hate in his eyes.

"please, you don't understand- "haruto's father had tried to explain but doyoung cut him off.

"why should we listen to you huh? You've known about this for this whole time, you and him have been causing problems for long enough." Doyoung crossed his arms and stared at them.

Haruto kept his eyes on the floor, their bluish color fading back to brown. He clutched the hem of his sweater vest as he listened to his best friends say such awful things to him.

"how can we be friends with ghost? Just thinking about it gives me the creeps." Hyunsuk said adjusting his glasses.

"yah! We were friends with him before weren't we?" junkyu said, jihoon placing a soft hand on his shoulder.

"that was before we knew he was a...a freak!" yedam yelled crossing his arms in anger.

"haruto isn't like us. He's a...a monster." Doyoung said with a low evil tone. Staring holes into haruto as he stood there, his eyes still glued to the floor.

"yah! Don't you think that's harsh?" Yoshi said glaring at their class president.

"he hurt jeongwoo. he lied to us, he messed with us this whole time." Yedam growled.

Haruto's heart ached as he heard his friends speak about him as if he wasn't standing right there. He may be a ghost, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings.

"haruto." It was doyoung.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the angry president.

"you don't belong here. I don't care why you're hear or how, but you need to leave." He said it in a flat monotone voice, his arms still crossed over his teal sweater.

Haruto felt a pain in his chest, his father standing behind him looking at him sympathetically.

Haruto just slowly nodded. He turned on his heel to leave.

"ruto- "junkyu started but jihoon held him firmly and just simply shook his head at him.

Junkyu hung his head and sat back in his chair, jihoon next to him shortly after.

Haruto left the room, his father behind him.

He placed his hand on haruto's shoulder but haruto pushed it off.

"I'm fine. I'm just gonna take a walk." He said forcing a very small smile to his father.

"haruto- "

"I'll be back to help you sweep the halls later." He smiled again before he walked off down the hall and disappeared.

His father sighed sadly wiping his watery eyes before he went back to work.

Back in the classroom doyoung and Yoshi were arguing.

"I think you're just bitter about your stupid recommendation."

Doyoung's eyes went wide, and he glared at Yoshi.

"yah you watch your mouth Yoshinori."

"haruto has been a ghost the whole time we've known him!! why does that change just because we now know he's a ghost?"

"because he's a fucking ghost Yoshi! He's dead! He's not a real person!"

Suddenly there was a loud bang.

The group turned to see jaehyuk who had slammed his hand on the desk.

"both of you stop." He said simply before he pushed his glasses up and began walking out of the room.

"yah! Yoon Jaehyuk! Where are you going!?"

Jaehyuk ignored him and walked out of the classroom and down the hall.

He walked out of the school building and over to the dormitory building knowing exactly where haruto went.

He walked up the stairs and up to the roof access door. He opened it slowly and spotted haruto standing over by the edge where he always did, his arms down at his sides, both his hands clutching the hem of his sweater vest.

He heard haruto sniffle and felt his heart break. He walked out further and without saying anything hugged haruto from the back wrapping his arms around his torso and pressing his face into his back.

Haruto was startled by the sudden touch. He jumped slightly and wiped his tears turning around to face jaehyuk.

He relaxed slightly seeing the only person that still treated him like a human being.

"haruto." Jaehyuk said softly seeing the boy's eyes full to the brim with tears.

Haruto stood there silently for a second before he took a step forward and hugged jaehyuk tightly. He wrapped his arms around his waist and buried his face in the crook of jaehyuk's neck his tears flowing freely.

Jaehyuk wrapped his arms around his roommate and slowly rubbed circles on his back.

They both stayed silent. Jaehyuk knew that there was nothing he could say that would make haruto feel better, all of there friends had turned on him in an instant and nobody seemed to even think of the possibility that haruto couldn't leave the school even if he wanted to.

Jaehyuk held haruto as he cried wishing he could take his pain away.

After a while haruto had stopped crying. He slowly released his arms from jaehyuk's waist and wiped his face.

"are you okay ruto?" jaehyuk asked softly.

Haruto nodded.

Jaehyuk wiped a stray tear off of haruto's cheek and sighed sadly.

"I don't know how to get them to believe you ruto... I know you didn't hurt jeongwoo, and I know you weren't the one playing all those tricks at school. I'm on your side haruto, so is junkyu just, give him some more time yeah?"

Haruto nodded.

Jaehyuk took haruto into another hug, this one less tight but still as meaningful.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you ruto, that's a promise."

Haruto leaned into the hug breathing out a breath of relief.

"thank you Jaehyuk-ah." Haruto whispered.

Jaehyuk patted his back and smiled softly.

"let's go back to our room, I don't feel like seeing Doyoung's face."

Haruto let out a small laugh and nodded.

He and jaehyuk went back to their dorm, jaehyuk doing everything he could to make haruto feel better.

He didn't care that he was a ghost, he didn't care that Haruto had been lying to them all year because he couldn't imagine what kind of horrible grief haruto "lived" through every day, not being able to leave the school, not being able to meet new people or grow up like everyone else.

He lost his life way too early, and he deserved to live his high school years happily.

Haruto was and always had been his friend, and this new information wasn't enough for jaehyuk to abandon him like everyone else.

Even though haruto was beyond devastated that his friends had all turned on him, he was happy he had one person who stuck beside him. that was really all he needed.

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