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Chapter 2: The most wanted girl
"Why is it so hard to get her attention?"

"Don't get into trouble Y/N, it's only your first day of school."

She rolled her eyes at her father's reminds. "I can't promise if they start it first." She sighed while slinging her bag over her shoulder. "I'm going now." She excused herself and went towards her car. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to school?" Jay asked while opening the door for her. Y/N sighed, "How many times do we have to talk about this?" She argued looking up to Jay who was quite taller than her.

He smiled then gesturing her to get into the driving seat. After muttering a small thank you, she closed the door and proceed to drive towards her school. She finally feel the freedom. Freedom from suffocated by the surrounded bodyguards every time she went out, even in the school. Her father finally decided to get the bodyguards stop following her around in her last year of school.

That's one of the reason why Y/N didn't have any friends. They were frightened, scared to be even close to her. They feel the extreme danger whenever they are around her, to be exact the danger of how Lee Y/N will act if someone triggered her.

Once during her second year in school, she almost broke someone's neck because that someone keep provoking her as a walking bomb in the world. Quoting that, "she will never be love by anyone, including her father never cares about her" or "she just a weak girl in the strongest Mafia clan". And they know it was the other way.

The girl now grew up into an 18 year old girl for her third year, marking her last year of school.

Y/N parked her car and some boys started went towards her parked car with gifts in their hands. She sighed. This happened every year since she was announced as the heir. Y/N did accept every gift that was give by the students, but they will never know where would those end up to.

She get out from her car calmly before locking it. She took few steps forwards making the boys took few steps back. She halted, mocking to pull out her gun that was in her blazer's pocket making them squealed in shock, some even shielding their faces. They quickly made way for her.

She walked into the school with her usual poker face looking scary for anyone that was looking at her. She saw some boys were snogging girls on the lockers, some students wiping their guns or other weapon, some students were bullying the weak ones.

Her school was not like the ordinary school. Her school was build for the Mafias. Once they reached 18, they will be finishing school by the end of the year. They do learn what the ordinary school did but they are more into the Mafia history and all things about Mafia.

They can do anything they wanted to, even the teachers didn't dare to butt into their business.

Yet someone, or two person already made her boiled in the morning when she saw what was happening at her locker. 

It was a boy was making out with a girl as if there is no tomorrow. She walked up to them with a grimace on her face.

"If the both of you still want to continue eating each others' face out then please take it somewhere else or don't even come to this school." 

The couple let go of each other and the boy who had his back facing Y/N turn to her. "I suggest you and your side chick get off my locker and go somewhere else, Seo Kangmin." She warned.

Kangmin purposely pouting at her, "Don't be salty in the morning, Y/N. We are having fun right now." Y/N just deadly stare at Kangmin as the students started to form behind them to see what was going on.

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