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Chapter 31: The avenged revenge
"Thank you for not betraying me."

Y/N stared up looking at the framed pictures that stuck on the wall. She scanned the pictures with mixed feelings.

Tonight is the night. The night where she will get her revenge for his father, also the night where she could end up coming out alive or not. She want Seo Changmin and his son die tonight in her hands.

She stared at her parents' wedding photo, proudly showing their rings and their guns on each others chin. Her eyes scanned down to the necklace on her mother's neck. She gently touched the necklace on her own neck.

Her eyes moved to the frame next to her parents, which was the copied pose by Y/N and Hyunsuk. She stared into the eyes of Hyunsuk who stare directly at the camera. The eyes were she reminded of the small boy who claimed to be her son.

She still feel hurt by his words last night. He did try to apologize but she couldn't help but let her ego control her. She sighed.

"Y/N, it's time." She heard Jay called her from behind. She just nodded her head still looking at the pictures. "Get them ready, brief them the plan for the last time, I will be there in a minute." She ordered.

"Father, I will avenge for you tonight." She claimed looking at the portrait of her father. She grabbed her gun stuffed it into the back of her pants and tighten the lace of her combat boots.

Her guts told her to tell Hyunsuk about it, but her mind told her she shouldn't tell because all she thought was their safety. She didn't want to drag them along because it's between Lee Empire and Seo clan, not with the Choi Empire.

She walked out from the mansion and saw her men and Bangtan were ready with their weapons but her eyes widened when she saw Treasure was in the crowd of men.

"Why are they here?" Y/N exclaimed walking towards them. She looked at Jay who had his head down trying to avoid her eyes.

"Y/N let us go, or I will be the one who will deal with Seo Changmin." She heard Hyunsuk threatened. "Y/N, let him help you. He is your fiance for sake!" She heard Yoongi scolded her in annoying tone.

She snapped her head at him. "Fine! They will stay outside." She glanced at Hyunsuk . "I will not let them in. I might not be sane if they are injured." She walked pass by them towards her car. "Move now, I don't have any much time already."

During the car ride, Y/N suddenly feel anxious. She was very confident that she can end the Seo's lives tonight but after she saw Hyunsuk and Treasure's face, her anxiety started to kick in. she thought she would only think for her live, but now she have to think about them.

They stopped far away from the headquarter so that they can't see that Y/N didn't came alone. They all went out from the car and quickly get into their positions sneakily into the surround of headquarter just what they have planned. Y/N will give the signal if she need them to come in.

She wore the earring that was made like the function of earpiece. Feeling the stares from Hyunsuk. She know that if she look at him, she might feel more anxious and will cry. But she couldn't let her ego win again.

She hugged Hyunsuk tightly and he returned it the same. She saw the members were staring at them, some trying not to cry.

"Hyunsuk." Her voice cracked. "If I don't come out alive.." She felt his tears dropped on her shirt and the others also cried silently behind their back. Y/N also holding back her tears.

"I just want you to know that I love you, with my whole life. I won't exchange you with anyone even if I have to exchange my life." She said it, she finally say those three words that she have been hiding for months. Hyunsuk grabbed her cheeks kissing her forehead tenderly.

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