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Chapter 27: The harsh truth

Y/N was in the Choi's mansion since Treasure was out as they have something to do outside. She felt alone in her mansion so she decided to give her father in law a visit.

"Y/N, I have something to ask." She turned to Mr. Choi who was sitting in front her. "Yes dad?" She said waiting for him to continue. He let out a big sigh, debating if he should ask her or not.

"Do you still want to continue this engagement?"

The question made her stiffened. "What do you mean by that?" She looked at him seriously. "You know, your father was dead. I thought you will have the thoughts of breaking the engagement." He explained. "That's why I ask, do you still want to?"

"I still want to continue this engagement." She directly answered making him smiling. "I already grow f-feelings for your son." She said shyly. "I can't lose anyone again. All of you are my family."

"Thank you Y/N, for choosing my son. I will make sure he takes care of you." Y/N smiled at him. "I know that he is the one for me. I can feel it." She replied. Mr. Choi sighed happily. "Do you realize that you have change? I can see that you are smiling a lot, you look more cheerful." He stated making her looked down smiling.

"Do you want to discuss about your wedding?" He asked her. "Yes but let's wait for Hyunsuk first. I also want all of us to have a pre-wedding photo shoot in a studio. I already have a lot in mind." She answered.

"I will help you call the best studio photographer. When do you want to?" Y/N looked up to the ceiling searching for a suitable time. "Maybe in this week? Since now we are having our two weeks holiday. You can ask the planner to come to the mansion tonight." She said.

They talked for another 30 minutes before Hyunsuk and the others arrived from their business.

"Son, I need to talk to you." His father ordered him as soon as he saw him walked into the kitchen. Hyunsuk looked at Y/N but she just shrugged her shoulders excusing herself out.

He took the seat where she sat before. "Did I did something wrong?" He asked. Mr. Choi just smiled at him. "Dad, stop smiling like a creep." He laughed awkwardly.

He laughed at his son's reaction. "Do you still want to marry Y/N?" He asked the question. Hyunsuk's lips turned into a thin line. "D-Did she want to break the engagement?" He asked bitterly.

"I ask, do you still want to marry her?" His dad repeated the question once more looking at his son serious.

"Yes, I want to marry Lee Y/N."

Hyunsuk answered his father's question making him clapped loudly. He leaned closer to his son, "Did you know that she also wants to marry you?" He teased. Hyunsuk was smiling ear to ear covering his face in embarrass. "Seriously dad?" His dad nodded smiling. "Take care of her. She really need someone to support her at the moment."

"Tonight both of you will discuss about your wedding. She said the faster the better."

Move to the night, Y/N and Treasure already back to her mansion. Now she was sitting in front of the planner and Hyunsuk sat beside her.

"Miss Y/N? Have you decided?" The planner asked. She nodded her head. "I will take the full package, from the photo shoot till the wedding." She turned to Hyunsuk. "Do you have anything to say?" She asked. He shook his head. "I'm fine with everything. you can choose." he smiled.

"For the photo shoot, the groom's side will have his photo shoot first." She started and the planner quickly jotted down what she was going to say.

"After them, we will have Treasure and me. For the clothes, don't worry I will find it." She paused. "Is it fine if I bring some guns for the photo shoot? I will cause no harm. I promise."

The planner nodded in understand. "Do you have anymore to add? You can book the studio for the whole day." The planner said. They continued to discuss straight for the wedding. After hours and hours, they finally ended their discussion.

The planner shook hands with the couple. "Thank you for choosing me. Me and my team will do our best." He waved them good bye.

"I'm going to the backyard." Y/N stated. "I'm coming with you." He said. "When do you want to go find the clothes?" He asked while walking to the back. "Tomorrow. Don't worry I already booked a boutique for us to test." She explained.

As they arrived at the field, Y/N laid herself on the grass looking at the stars. "I miss them, mother and father." She blurted choking on her tears. Hyunsuk who was sitting looked down at her who tried to hold her tears. He slowly hold her hand.

"Cry if you want. No one's gonna judge you." He said. Right then, Y/N burst into crying. Her grip on his hand tighten as she cried. She move her head onto Hyunsuk's lap. He caressed her head lovingly.

"Let it out, don't hold back." He said making she cried more into his lap. After minutes of crying, she finally stopped. "Thank you, for always being there for me." She said smiling at her lover.

He smiled back looking down at his fiancee that still lay on his lap wiping away the remaining tears on her cheeks.

He smiled back looking down at his fiancee that still lay on his lap wiping away the remaining tears on her cheeks

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"Seo Kangmin I'm warning you one more time! Stop all your plans!" He shouted at the other line.

"Come on! We can rule the world together. I will give you a high position in the clan." Kangmin offered. "I don't want anything from you. I just want you to stop all you and your father's plans." He gritted his teeth.

"We have enough of Lee Empire rule the world for years! Don't you think its time for new clan to rule?!" Kangmin shrieked from other line. "Fine, if you don't want to help us. Then don't be shock if we send our warnings." Kangmin ended the call.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on Lee Y/N-- Seo Kangmin?!" He threw his phone on the bed ruffling his head in stress.


He turned to the doorway that stood Jihoon with a bread in his hand staring at Junkyu in disbelief. "D-Did you just say Seo Kangmin?" He asked out. He didn't answer him. "Tell me what I heard is not true!" He shouted.

Junkyu sighed sitting on the bed. "Lock the door." He ordered. Jihoon came in locking the door behind him. "Did you just say Kangmin is coming for Y/N?" He asked again.

Junkyu sighed again. He then explain everything to Jihoon, everything that he know about Seo's plan to take over Y/N's power. Jihoon only have his mouth agape with confuse face as he listened to his's explains. After that he turned himself to walk out. "Where are you going?" Junkyu asked nervously.

Jihoon snapped his head at his friend. "And then what? Are we going to just sit there and not tell her? We need to tell her about this!" He exclaimed loudly.

He stood up from the bed. "No don't tell Y/N yet, please." He pleaded at his friend. Jihoon shook his head in disbelief. "You are going to let them kill Y/N?" Jihoon stated.

"Then do you want Y/N to let her kill herself?" Junkyu fired back. "Don't you think how Y/N will react? Don't you remember how she reacted when Kangmin's dad wanted 5 Billion from them? Y/N will get herself killed if she threw herself straight at them without any plans!" he shrieked at Jihoon.

"Have you forget what will Y/N do to you when she found out about this?" Jihoon pointed.

"You, yourself will get killed in her hands, Kim Junkyu."

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