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Chapter 16: Mayday

Y/N walked downstairs and was greet by silence. The mansion was back to itself, gloomy. She looked around the living room searching for the boys.

"Y/N, let's have breakfast." Jay called her. "Where are the boys?" She asked walking towards the dining table. "They already left to school." Jay answered.

"Why didn't they inform?" She mumbled. "What about father?" She noticed the empty space in front of her. "Mr. Lee already have his breakfast before you come down." He answered taking a seat beside her.

She furrowed her brows. 'But father never leave me alone for breakfast'. She shrugged and start to dig in her breakfast.

Hyunsuk walked out from the toilet but couldn't help overheard Seo Kangmin's conversations with his friends

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Hyunsuk walked out from the toilet but couldn't help overheard Seo Kangmin's conversations with his friends. He covered himself by opening his locker and hide himself.

"So Kangmin? Do you think you still have a chance to get Y/N?" His friend, Hwang Hyunjin asked with sly tinted in his voice. "Yeah, it seems like you didn't have the chance since she got engage to Hyunsuk now." Another friend, Jung Wooyoung responded.

He saw Kangmin shrugged his shoulder. "I don't know it seems like that Choi Hyunsuk poured a love potion into Y/N. She keep hanging around him these days." He stopped, "She even defended him every time someone talk bad about him." Hyunsuk's ears perked at this. he couldn't help but feel his boiled up.

"What do you see in her?" Hyunjin asked. He could hear Kangmin scoffed happily. "She's pretty, brave and powerful. Isn't that all we want?" He stated laughed. "But," Hyunsuk peeked from the little holes from the locker.

"She would be amazing in bed, don't you think?" He laughed out loud with his friends. And that moment, something inside Hyunsuk snapped that can't hold himself back anymore.

He stomped towards the three of them who still laughing fantasies about dirty things about what they can do towards Y/N. Kangmin was caught off guard as Hyunsuk grabbed his collar harshly. "What is your problem?!" He squirmed trying to get the boy off from his collar and slowly choking him.

"How dare you talk about my girl like that?!" He hissed yelling making the students started to crowd over them and listened to their conversations.

Whispering started talking about Hyunsuk and Y/N's relationship. Some of them already expecting something happened because they saw her behavior changed towards Hyunsuk and the others.

Kangmin just stay silent looking at fuming Hyunsuk. "Hyunsuk let him go." Asahi whispered pulling him off Kangmin. He still glaring at the boy deadly while backing off. He didn't want to waste his time dealing with him.

"You also think like that don't you? You just want Y/N for her power." Kangmin voiced out again. But this time, Hyunsuk pulled out his gun from his pocket at pointed at Kangmin making the students gasped. "You dare open your mouth I will not hesitate to blow you off." He said gritting his teeth.

Kangmin and his friends just stood there unarmed as they foolishly left their guns in the class.

"You really don't take my words, didn't you Kangmin?" They turned to Y/N scowling at him. He gulped down to his throat. She walked towards them. "Hyunsuk put down your gun." She ordered but he tighten his grip on his gun still pointing at Kangmin.

Y/N walked towards him, one hand on his chest and one hand pushing the pointing gun down. "Hyunsuk." He looked down at her. "But he talked dirty--" He was cut off by shaking her head asking him not to continue.

"Put it down." She ordered again but this time he obeyed still glaring at Kangmin. She slowly wrapped around her fingers with his. She turned around facing Kangmin who had jealousy expression.

"I'm warning you one more time, Seo Kangmin." She hissed. "You dare come closer to any of us, or any one my members," She pointed to Treasure. "You will face me by yourself. Don't you dare showing your pathetic self at us." She spat out.

She grabbed Hyunsuk and the others to the canteen and sat down. She huffed in annoyance. "Y/N, thank you and I'm sorry." Hyunsuk voiced out. "It's seems like you are the one who protecting me more than I'm supposed." He said.

Y/N just shook her head, "It's not a big thing. That's what I supposed to do." She said making them making weird sounds. She turned to them with questioning look. "What?" 

"Both of you are so cute. I already imagine your life after both of you get married." Jeongwoo said making both of them flushed at his comment. She cleared her throat and stood up. "I'm going to the toilet." She put her phone on the table.

"I noticed there's a scar on Kangmin's cheek. Why is that?" Jihoon asked. "She slapped him when we went to the headquarter. He might got on Y/N's nerve that night." Hyunsuk answered.

They were peeking on Y/N's phone. "Do you think we can take a peek on her phone?" Junkyu asked looking at Hyunsuk. He also wanted to know what's in her phone. "Well, we take only one peek okay?" He said looking at his friends.

They all look left and right see if she was around. They then gathered up squishing themselves. Hyunsuk took a deep breath before pushed the on button. They all gasped what they saw.

It was the lock screen wallpaper, which was Y/N and Hyunsuk's picture that they took on the night that they met Bangtan. They all pushing and teasing the latter as the boy slowly blushing mad.

"That picture look so perfect! The lighting, the angle, everything!" Junkyu exclaimed. "Look at Y/N was smiling!" He pointed at the screen.

Hyunsuk was on cloud nine. He never thought that she will put that picture as her phone lock screen. They were about to continue exploring her phone but suddenly Jay called.

They answered the call. "Jay?" Hyunsuk answered. "Sir!? Is Y/N there?" He asked in panic. "She went to the toilet. Is there anything--"

"It's about her father! Emergency!" He stated as they heard doctors gushing in other line.

"Who called?" They all turned around looking at Y/N who just arrived from the restroom. Hyunsuk ended the call and stood up. They all looked at her in sympathy. "Stop looking me like that! Tell me what's happening?!" She shrieked.

"Let's get you home, it's about your father."

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