Chapter 8: The Arrow of the Crimson Archer And The LightRay Knight

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Third Floor, Tower
No one's Pov

As Monarch and Eugeo open the door of the armory to get out, Monarch sees arrows flying at them as the two ran back away from the door. Which force the doors opened, The crimson archer fires another volley of arrows which Monarch casted an element which nullify the arrows velocity into the ground.

Monarch: Now forward!

Monarch and Eugeo charged forward as the crimson archer aimed and fired another volley of arrows, which have Monarch and Eugeo dodge and deflect arrows.

Eugeo: Monarch! you alright?

Monarch: I'm fine, just unscathed this time.

The crimson archer decided on using his enhance armament on them, Which Monarch devise a plan with Eugeo as he attempts to stop the archer's attack while Eugeo go flank and finish him.

They commence their plan as they charge at the archer.

Monarch: System call! Generate water element! Discharge!

Monarch fired a water blast at the archer as he to fired his fire arrow at the water which caused a big steam mist. But Monarch see that the arrow passed through the mist as it transform into a fire Phoenix, Monarch spin block the attack with his sword which it absorbs the heat of the flame's attack.

Monarch survived the attack as he stood which part of his coat was burnt as he was worned out.

Eugeo: Monarch!

Monarch: Now's your chance, go Eugeo!

Eugeo went to attack the archer which he has his thoughts on what purpose in of bonding with his blue rose sword which it happens, as he and the archer weapon lock with each other.

As archer used his bow to increase the temperature Eugeo's sword begins to melt, Eugeo not wanting to give up on his sword he'd gave an encouragement to his sword and freeze the archer in trap in ice which he is defeated.

Crimson Archer: Boy, what's the name of your secret technique you used?

Eugeo: The Aincrad style two-hit sword technique, vertical arc.

The archer asked of Monarch and Eugeo's names which they told him, the archer then tell the two what lies
Ahead to them at Floor 50.

And he asked of them to kill him which he revealed his name Deusolbert, It triggered Eugeo that he'd remembers that Deusolbert is the knight that taken Alice away. Eugeo was dead on wanting to kill Deusolbert but he hesitated and stops as Monarch puts a hand on his shoulder.

Eugeo: Monarch, Why are you stopping me?

Monarch: From what I can say he probably doesn't remember anything of what he did back then, It's possible that him and every integrity knight are brainwashed which you don't have to kill him we should stop source which is The Administrator.

Monarch and Eugeo left Deusolbert and advance through the floors. Which they are at Floor 28, and upon having Monarch take a look at Eugeo's perfect weapon control.

Eugeo: Hey Monarch, what's your Perfect weapon control?

Monarch: You'll just have to see it when I use it, but I'll describe a little of it it's similar like your's but the countering element type.

Until Eugeo sees two children which are girls, Eugeo talked to the two girl of which were named Linel and Fizel, While Monarch has his doubts on them.

Monarch's Mind: Why two little girls were wandering around the halls, which they could be waiting for us?

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