Chapter 14: Marooned And Diving In (Rewritten)

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Pacific Ocean, Ocean Turtle
No one's Pov

Since the attack at the Ocean Turtle the unknown attackers gained and took control of the main control room, while at the Sub Control room Higa gotten it operational.

Higa: We're connected to the backup power now! The Sub Control room is up and running.

Suddenly Jack Arch grabs Kikuoka by the collar and threatens him.

Jack Arch: If my son doesn't regain consciousness, you and I are both dead than the attackers that'll kill us which are in this station! And you don't want me to be angry understood!?

Koharu: I can second that.

Nanairo: I as well.

Rinko: That makes three here.

Kikuoka: Okay I understand, I'll see to it that Alex recovers no matter what.

Jack lets go of Kikuoka as Lt. Nakanishi enters the sub Control room.

Jack Arch: Status report.

Nakanishi: Confirming that the primary and secondary bulkheads have been completely sealed, and that all noncombatants have been evacuated to the bow block.

Kikuoka: Good work. How long will the bulkheads hold?

Nakanishi: The enemy could break through with explosives, but that's unlikely.
But near the primary the light cube cluster, after all.

Kikuoka: All right. Let's sum up the situation here, Lt. Nakanishi, please report the casualties.

Nakanishi gave the report of the casualties and other things that are affected in the station, Kikuoka then asks Jack to coordinate with security on if the attackers plan another attack.
Jack then reassures Koharu.

Jack Arch: Don't worry I'm sure he'll be okay, he's strong he gone through so much over the years I'm sure he'll overcome this one.

Koharu: Okay.

Kikuoka began theorising on what was the attackers purpose on which they don't intent to destroy and want to know what the attackers are.
Kikuoka then asks Higa for his thoughts in which he pulled up a image from the security feed.

Higa: Going by the colors and specs of their gear, they don't belong to any official army. And from their average size, we can assume that they're not Asian.

Jack Arch: They look like PMCs I encountered some during the war, given of our firearms don't look like theirs on the feed it seems their foreign origins.

Kikuoka: Good examination Jack, so at the very least they're not with a Japanese special forces organization. That I'm glad to hear.

Jack Arch: How would they know given this is a secret project which most of the JSDF are involved being stationed here, I think this is probably a foreign involvement most likely a contracted work but it's just a guess.

Kikuoka: You spoke the words right out of my mouth.

Higa: Yup you two got that right. I mean, they went straight to the main control room and seized it. Which means their goal is to take that true botton-up artificial intelligence of ours. To seize A.L.I.C.E.

Jack Arch: I hope that this Ai that you're making better not gone bad than me having to fight allot of them from before, but I'm not one to judge technology it's advancing all around us.

Higa: Uh right Luckily, we were able to lock down the main control in time.
Now they can't interfere with the simulation or eject Alice's fluctlight from the cluster.

Kikuoka: But that goes the same for us, right?

Higa: Well yes, that's right. It's no longer possible to use commands to eject Alice's Lightcibe externally. But at this point, wouldn't you call this a win, Kiku?

Kikuoka: True but it's more likely to stall them until well...

Nanairo: Well what?

Kikuoka: I'll explain more further later but for now, how exactly did they get through our defenses.

Nakanishi: The Asahi was ordered by Fleet command in Yokosuka to stand by and maintain it's current distance. They're determined that we've been taken hostage by our attackers, it seems.

Kikuoka: Most likely, those men in black have a back channel to the top brass in the SDF.
There won't be an order for the Asahi to attack until after Alice's Lightcibe has been secured by them.

Jack Arch: Basically we have a mole in the station being their insider while they some how have a payroll to someone in the top brass.

Higa: Oh shit...


Minutes pass by as Higa tells of Alex's condition to everyone, that since the last death gun member's assault gave him damage to his neural network.

To treat him, his memories had to be blocked and to dive into the underworld like he had before.
But turned out it didn't worked as he was plugged in as his real world persona. Also Alex is in of feeling guilt to himself and other things that he's going through.

Koharu: I'm going to dive in and get Alex back.

Rinko: You want to dive into the underworld?

Koharu: I want to go there and tell Alex of what he gone through, that he gave his all. And I want him to no longer feel the guilt, that he did everything he could so he can let go of what burden he has.

Kikuoka: Okay there's a STL near Alex and remember that thing I was supposed to explain earlier?

Koharu: Yes?

Kikuoka: Well in the underworld it's going in it's last stage of the schedule final load test, in what it does it's going to cause war begin in the underworld.

Kikuoka has Higa to explain it more better then he can which the Eastern Gate's durability that divide the borders between the Human empire and the dark Territory will collapse.

(A/N) Yadi yadi yada war happens, if the human empire survived of a sufficient defense they'll repel the dark Territory back.
But given if the possibility that Alice dies they had to have someone dive in to take Alice to the World's end Altar, in order to get Alice's Lightcube ejected. It's a race against time who would get to Alice first.

Koharu was getting ready on the STL as Nanairo informs their friends of what's happening that Koharu diving in the underworld to bring Alex back. Jack then comes to talk to Koharu before she dives.

Jack Arch: You be careful in there and bring him home, also good luck.

Koharu: I will sir.

Nanairo: I'll help on monitor both your's and Alex's bodies with Aki.

Koharu: Thanks and Keep an eye on her too if she tries anything on Alex.

Aki: Hey!

Nanairo: (Giggles) I will.

Higa: Okay you'll be using Superuser account 04- Inari, Fox Goddess of Prosperity, 'kay?

Koharu: Got it.

Higa: Your account gives you admin rights to do unlimited changes to the landscape given by the powers of the moon, and any other powers that are stellar.
But with those types of powers it'll requires a huge amount of data to between the STL and the main visualizer, it can seriously overload your fluctlight, 'alright?

Only use your powers in necessary circumstances and no unnecessary usages.
If you feel a headache by using your powers, stop using it right away.

With Higa done explaining, Koharu laid down as the STL hovers over her face and begins to commence the dive.

End of Chapter 14

Scarlet Umbral: Oc Male Reader X Sword Art Online Alicization (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now