Chapter 5: Mentoring Pages And Concerns

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April 10, 380 (H.E.C) Swordcraft Academy, Elite Disciple Dorms
No one's Pov

During the time of afternoon. Eugeo was talking to his page and Monarch's page as well, about their reports of doing their chores. Until then Monarch comes back into the room by the balcony window.

Monarch was wearing all White and has Black secondary colors for his Elite Disciple uniform.

Monarch: Hey what gives of questioning about my abilities for being a terrible mentor to my page, While I was bringing snacks back here?

Ronye: Elite Disciple Monarch, allow me to report! I finished my today's cleaning.

Monarch: Ah thank you Ronye, good job. And I'll try to be more present here when you come made your reports.

Eugeo: Seriously, Monarch you have to bear responsibility as a Mentor to your page, when you have to be here. And couldn't you used the front door?

Monarch: I did used the door to go out to town, But if I come back using the front door the instructors would scold me of bringing in snacks and breaking curfew in this time.
Here you two these are for you to share with and here's yours, Eugeo.

Monarch gave a Honey cake to Eugeo and gave the whole bag to their Pages.

Ronye/Tiese: Thank you Monarch, we'll share them with our roommates.

Ronye and Tiese then left for their room.


A Month passed by where Monarch, Eugeo, Tiese and Ronye were having a picnic of having to learn more about themselves. As their Pages then brought up concerns of their dormmate, Frenica was being treated harshly by her mentor Humert.

Which made Monarch and Eugeo involved of what they heard and questions Raios and Humbert about Humbert's cruel actions to his own page.

Monarch and Eugeo gotten to nowhere from Humbert, which he told them an excuse which made Eugeo's skin crawl. But he calms himself and tells Raios and Humbert that the instructors will have an a investigation on them.

After their questioning, Monarch and Eugeo came back to their rooms. Monarch assures Eugeo that they were trying to make him snap and would put the blame on him which they would punish him severely.

Monarch: If Humbert continues to abuse Frencia, We could at least prepare for that outcome and let the instructors informed for them to look into it.

Later Monarch was instructing Ronye in training of the Ghost Style.

Monarch: You're doing well I'm surprised you gotten this far with my style instruction. But for the suitable sword for the style would be a curved sword or a Katana.

Ronye: Katana?

Monarch: It's like a curved sword but also straight.

Ronye: Monarch, I want to ask why you teach The Ghost style?

Monarch: The Ghost style is the higher teachings of Aincrad Style which Eugeo is using and teaching because it's the based on The Ghost Style. That way I have them separate to give people who use them a preferred technique of those styles to master.

Ronye: I understand, I look more forward of wanting to learn from you.

Monarch: Ronye, I never expected that I have taught anyone of my knowledge of swordsmanship.

Monarch headpats Ronye head as the two Smiles.

End of Chapter 5

Scarlet Umbral: Oc Male Reader X Sword Art Online Alicization (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now