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We enjoy, we're happy
When some wishes are fulfilled
Or at least when we have hopes left
When we have someone to call a friend
Or someone who would treat us like a family member

Or when we're having dreams not far from reach
And not much heartbreaks to deal with,
Not a 24/7 pain in the body which not lets us do anything,
Not a mental disorder to mute our speech,
Not a hoard of problems coming without solution, without anyone to comfort or support you when you need.

They tell me to enjoy when I'm burning in my grave. They overthink and call it a pain, for me it's real without needing to think. They envy my survival, i envy their ease of saying me to enjoy,
I wish i could know what happiness feels like
I wish i could know what wish fulfilment feels like
I wish i could know what fair life means
And what it feels like to have someone to "talk" with without having to beg for a reply
And what it feels to live like them all, who can walk, who can speak, who can smile away from this destroyed body which can give me only pain, no peace.

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