part. 03

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"You served him?" Ryujin looks at me like she doesn't believe me after I tell her about what happened yesterday at work.

To be honest, I don't blame her. It didn't feel real. It was that embarrassing that when I got home, I couldn't get to sleep because my mind just kept replaying it over and over.

I have no idea why it's bugging me. I barely know him.

All I know is his name is Hyunjin and he transferred from a different university not far.

It kinda makes me want to learn more.

"It was probably the most embarrassing thing ever, Ry. I wore the worst outfit. I looked like a mess." I groan, leaning my head against the wall and closing my eyes. "He definitely thought the same, he didn't look too impressed." I then mumble but wince at my words.

Why am I even thinking this? He's a complete stranger and I'm worried about how I look around him?

I need to get a life.

Ryujin must think the same because I feel her shift on the floor beside me and her eyes on me. I peek one eye open to see she's staring at me but with a look on her face like she's trying to work something out.

"What?" I open both eyes and raise one eyebrow.

"The Bella I know doesn't care about what boys think of her." she accuses but tells the truth. I've never really cared about what others think, I've never changed myself to impress someone. If I like them, I like them and go for it.

But he's different. Suddenly I'm caring about how I look and I'm scared to actually talk to him.

Something's definitely wrong with me, I don't even know him and I'm acting like a teenager who has a school crush.

"Does my best friend have an eye on the new boy?" Ryujin then teases with a smirk and I instantly roll my eyes with a huff.

"Why would I have a crush on someone I don't know?" I tell her but her smirk widens which annoys me more.

She doesn't reply but keeps the annoying smirk on her face and goes back to eating her sandwich which doesn't surprise me, she loves her food.

I lean my head on the wall again, taking in my surroundings. Like usual, Ryujin and I are on the roof of the art studio taking a lunch break. Other students have the same idea, some are eating and some are smoking with their friends.

Ryujin and I don't really have any friends in this class, which is fine. It means I can tell her about embarrassing moments like last night.

I genuinely wanted the ground to swallow me whole.

I don't see Hyunjin, pretty boy, and I get annoyed at myself for even thinking of him again.

"Anyway why are you accusing me of liking someone when you still can't confess?" I accuse my best friend next to me, who freezes mid chew and avoids eye contact with me, that smirk wiped off her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." she start chewing again, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Mhm, sure." I smirk, feeling proud I got back at her, and check the time on my phone. I groan instantly when I see it's time to get back to class.

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