part. 15

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Growing up in Jeonju felt like a dream. From the food, the culture, the buildings; I loved every second of every day.

My grandmother never failed to take me out on the weekends. Either to the zoo, markets or galleries. Sometimes she'd even take me to galleries in Seoul or Daegu on school breaks.

I guess that's how my love for art developed.

I was fascinated.

From a young age, I'd be always drawing. It was my escape. Every inch of the four walls of my childhood bedroom are filled with pictures I created, my mother even framed some and hung them in her room. I miss those days. Those days drawing and adding yet another piece of paper to my walls, hiding the bright pink colour 6 year old Bella thought was a good choice to paint the walls.

I'd never change it though. I was so proud and happy to finally be a big girl and choose my own colour for my bedroom. I was, and always have been, experimental - choosing things I wouldn't usually chose to do.

Like right now, staring at the red box dye on my bathroom counter.

I've had my hair like this for a few months now and to be honest, I'm getting bored of it.

Again, it's nearing 11pm and I'm just now opening the box and taking the dye out. One half of my mind is telling me this is a bad idea and I'll regret it, whereas, the other half is telling me to just do it and stop being a wimp.

Clipping half my hair up, I bring my bleached parts to the front and put on my rubber gloves. I squeeze some of the red dye onto my hand and take a deep breath.

"Fuck it." I breathe and slap it on my hair, my grown out blonde strands of hair turning blood red.

The process doesn't take me long, and in no time I'm boiling the kettle for some noodles whilst waiting for the dye to work it's magic. I scan through my many options of what kind of noodles I want since my collection just keeps growing.

You can't go wrong with noodles.

Deciding on shin ramyun, I pour the boiling water over the dry noodles in the pot over the stove and wait for them to cook. Whilst watching the bubbling water, my phone lights up, notifying me that I have a message.

And it's from the one person I didn't expect.

pretty boy; *one attachment*

After our... moment it's been weird to say the least. I don't know what exactly happened since my mind was fogged up from the emotions, but I do know that we nearly did something that we'll both probably regret.

It's been two days and I've still not recovered. Having feelings for someone and then nearly kissing them doesn't really help.

Pushing down any excitement, I click on the picture he sent and I can't help but laugh a little when it's a bowl of instant noodles. My heart warms at the fact we're both too tired to cook and settling on noodles instead.

I also laugh again when I read the message with it.

pretty boy; call me a 5 star michelin

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