9 - Progress

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"Howard Anthony Walter Stark, you blithering idiot!" I shout as I walk into his front room.

"What? What'd I do?" He asks, a look of complete shock on his face.

"I got a call from Agent Sousa while I was at the S.S.R. office saying that they found one of your number plates at the Roxxon site."

"I wasn't there."

"Whether you were there or not, you're in even more danger now."

"The S.S.R. are going to search all of your facilities, private or not. You've got to find somewhere else to go." I continue.

"Where's Carter living?"

"An all-girls housing institution, I doubt you'd be able to get in."

"I'll work my charm."

"Howard. This is serious."

"Yeah, well, the ladies love me."

"And I hate you."

"You're welcome, keys?"

"I don't have them. You'll have to go yourself; I've got work to do."


I head back to the S.S.R. where Thompson, Sousa and I then go to one of Howard's houses. Sousa knocks on the door but, as I predicted, there was no response.

"S.S.R. Open up!" Sousa shouts through the door.

"Unbelievable," he continues, "a known fugitive isn't answering his door."

"Knock harder." Thompson says.

"Sure. Can I borrow your forehead?" Sousa jokes before knocking again.

I hang around by the car as my co-workers bring Jarvis out of the house.

"I'll make my own way back," I say, "I've got some errands to run."

"Alright then." Thompson sighs, getting in the car and the three of them driving away.

When they're out of sight, I rush back over to the door repeatedly knock until Peggy opens it.

"Laurie," she gasps, "what are you-"

"There's no time, they've arrested Jarvis and are taking him in for questioning. You know what he's like under pressure."

"What are you suggesting?"

"We've got to get him out before he reveals anything."


Peggy and I arrive back at the S.S.R. and sneak into the observation part of the interrogation room.

"Is that Stark's butler?" Peggy asks the Chief.

"You know this guy?" He replies.

"Only from a file. Do you think he was involved in the implosion?"

"Maybe not in terms of blowing it up, but he sure is capable of driving a getaway car." The Chief comments.

"I'll be back." I say before leaving the room. I head over to my desk and dial Howard's number.

"Howard Stark speaking."

"Yeah, I thought so." I say.

"Marty! How can I help?"

"Jarvis has been arrested by the S.S.R. and is currently in questioning. You better get down here soon otherwise he's going to reveal too much."

"Who you talking to Emerson?" Krzeminski asks.

"Just a friend." I say, covering the audio part of the phone.

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